death by a thousand cuts (fred weasley)

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song; death by a thousand cuts [taylor swift]
pairing; fred weasley x ravenclaw!gender neutral!reader
genre; mild angst, fluff, ex2l
word count; 3k
timeline; prisoner of azkaban
warnings; swearing, implied insecurities, mentions of relationship neglect
summary; past relationships were meant to stay in the past, hence the name. however, it soon became clear that fred weasley wanted you back, and was willing to do whatever it took to fight for your love

"i look through the windows of this love even though we boarded them up."


Potions was already a bad subject as it was taught by Severus Snape.

The fact that you sat next to your ex-boyfriend only made it worse: it's not like moving was an option, as Snape would simply tell you to get over your petty personal conflicts if you asked. You weren't even on particularly bad terms either, it was simply awkward, although he acted like it wasn't. After all, he was Fred Weasley, one of the infamously confident and extroverted Weasley twins.

You often wished that the relationship hadn't ended, actually, despite the fact you were the one that broke up with him. In your defence, you hadn't done it out of nowhere, as he had neglected your relationship in the favour of pranks one too many times. It sucks when one of the things that made you fall in love with a person is the same thing that ruins your relationship.

He greeted you with a warm smile, like always, when you entered potions for the millionth time in your school career. You gave him a polite smile in return as you took your seat and pulled out your books, processing the awkward atmosphere that really seemed to only be on your end.

"How are you, love?" he asked, like usual.

"Fine, thanks, Weasley. You?"

A streak of hurt flashed across his eyes at your use of his last name, but you weren't looking so you didn't notice. He quickly brightened up again, though, and replied, "Good, actually. Not as good as I was with you, of course."

You graced him with a judgemental glance, "Really? Seems like the best times you had when we were together was when I wasn't there."

"You make it sound like I cheated."

"You know that's not what I meant."

Fred placed his hand on your arm to get you to look at him properly. After you obliged, he spoke, "I'm really sorry I didn't spend enough time with you, Y/N, it wasn't intentional."

"I know, Fred," you sighed, "But I also know that George and your pranks will always be the only things that matter in your life - and that's fine - it just means I can't date you."


"Alright, silence, everybody," Snape's drawling voice resounded, catching the attention of the class with ease.

You turned away from Fred to get your equipment in order and face Professor Snape, as the last thing you needed at that moment was a house point deduction. Fred didn't try to keep your attention, but he did bring his lip between his teeth in apparent thought.

He had to resolve the situation between the two of you.


The following Sunday, you were more than surprised to see Fred in the library - and without George, for that matter. He was perusing the shelves of the charms section; on a normal basis you would have assumed he was looking for aide on pranks, but George would likely have been with him if that was the case. Curiosity got the better of you, so you got up from your study table and walked over to him.

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