I'm Just Disappointed

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Adam had invited Ellie to go skating with him, McGill, and Larson, to which she agreed. He knew she wasn't the biggest fan of the two, but they got along fine when they weren't being assholes. They were always nice to Ellie because they knew Banks would kick their ass if they weren't. Adam wasn't the most social kid or get in your face kid, but he was never afraid to confront anyone that said anything bad about Ellie. He knows she's more than capable of handling things herself, but he was always going to stick up for her and have her back. 

"Hey, I see some losers," McGill points into the alley way, all their eyes land on some players from the District-5 team. He looks at Larson and Banks, a devious plan in his head. There was no way he wasn't going to pass by without saying anything, and Ellie knew this. 

"Can't you just leave them alone?" Ellie asks. She knew Adam wouldn't physically hurt them, maybe just say some mean things to them, but Larson and McGill would have no problem beating them up. She had no idea why Larson and McGill hated these kids so much, but it was like they had to be constantly picking on them. Obviously the Hawks were the better team, so she didn't understand why picking on them off the ice was necessary. 

"Guys, let's just go," Adam agrees with Ellie, not wanting to cause any more drama between the two teams. The District 5 team hated them enough as it is. It's not like they needed to annoy them even more. He was hoping Larson and McGill would change their minds, but Adam knew them well enough to know that wasn't going to happen. Any chance to get under the skin of the District 5 team, they were going to take it. It was like they constantly had to prove that they were better than them. They were on the best team with the most funding, while they had nothing. 

"No way, Banks. Now, let's go," McGill tells him. Adam looks over at Ellie and sighs, knowing McGill wasn't going to let him out of this. He may lead the group on the ice, but off the ice, McGill was the one ordering them around. Ellie looks at him, silently pleading for him not to go with them, but Adam takes off and skates toward the group with Larson and McGill.

Ellie stands at the edge of the alley, watching everything go down. Larson grabs the magazine that one of the boys was holding out of his hands. "Hey, give it back." He calls out, but there was no way Larson was going to be giving it back. McGill and Adam stand next to him, staring down the group of boys. 

"Hi, girls," Larson greets them, and Ellie rolls her eyes at that comment. She knows he was saying it in a demeaning way, but there was nothing wrong with being a girl. Girls were just as good as guys, and she would have no problem proving that. Adam wouldn't let her go up against Larson or McGill, afraid that they might hurt her. For being eleven years old, McGill was a pretty big kid and Adam knows there was no way he would go easy on Ellie. 

The three Hawks players started circling around the players from the District 5 team and once again McGill was keeping up with the taunting. "Does your mommy know you have that?" His whiny voice made Ellie wish she was deaf. When McGill was bullying other kids, she found him to be the most annoying person on the planet. He would do anything to get under their skin. Larson wasn't as bad, mostly just calling them girls, but Ellie still didn't like it because being a girl isn't an insult. If she ever got the chance, she knew she could kick Larson's ass no problem. 

"Nah, she's busy with the mailman." Ellie couldn't tell which of the D-5 players said that, but she tried her best to stifle her laughter. These boys were funnier than Larson and McGill ever could be. They tried their best to be funny and Ellie would give them a sympathy laugh, but she never found them to be funny. She really only put up with them because of Adam. 

"That'll make great bathroom reading," Ellie picks up her head at the sound of Adam's voice. She was hoping he wouldn't get involved and keep his mouth shut, but clearly that was not the case. This wasn't the real Adam, and she knew that. It was disappointing to hear him join in on the things Larson and McGill were saying just so he could fit in with them. She loved spending time with Adam, that was why she agreed to come today, but she didn't like who Adam was when he was with Larson and McGill. No one deserved to be bullied and it hurt her to see Adam treat these kids this way. She didn't know them personally, but she would more than happily be friends with them given the chance. 

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