Ducks Will Never Die

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Dawn had arrived quicker than either team had expected and it was time for the pre Freshmen-Varsity Showdown. The tension in the rink was high, everyone on edge. One wrong move from anyone was going to cause a fight. With the animosity between the two teams, there was bound to be at least one fight during the game. 

Varsity was circling in center ice, while the Ducks were warming up by their goal. Julie and Goldberg were talking at the net, trying to decide who would be playing goalie. Ultimately, they decided to take turns. Julie wanted her fair share of time against the Varsity team. 

Ellie stood on the rink as players from both teams started heading to the bench, signaling they were going to start playing soon. She saw Scooter try to talk to Julie, but she seemed very uninterested in what he had to say. Averman was taunting Riley at center ice, which resulted in him getting picked up by his jersey. 

She made her way to the center of the ice, taking the right side. Normally, she played center, but Charlie wanted to have the face off this time around, wanting it to be a battle between the captains. Her eyes were focused on Charlie as he was going to meet Riley for the face off, only to be stopped by Adam. She didn't mean to make eye contact with him but when they did, she saw just how miserable he looked. Ellie quickly looked away, knowing if she held his gaze any longer she would probably burst into tears.

"They didn't tell me until it was too late," Adam tells Charlie. Charlie was his best friend on the team, and this friendship was something he didn't want to lose. He was the first person to accept Adam onto the Ducks while everyone else hated him. "Charlie, believe me." 

"Yeah, right, preppy." Charlie couldn't believe anything that came out of Adam's mouth. There was no way Adam had no knowledge of what the Varsity was planning on doing to them. Plus, he was pissed at him on behalf as Ellie.

Adam put his head down and skated away from Charlie. The last thing Adam wanted was to find an entire new group of friends, but it looked like that's what he was going to have to do. The Ducks hated him for being apart of the Varsity team and so did his girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend. The ex part was something he was still getting used to, though it certainly wasn't something he wanted to get used to. He had been a mess all weekend, unsure of what life was going to be like without Ellie. All he could think about was findinig some sort of way to get Ellie to take him back. 

Riley and Charlie hit sticks, ready for the game to begin. As soon as the third hit struck, Riley shoved Charlie to the ground. Connie and Guy tried to stop Riley as he approached the net, but they too met the ice. Riley scored Varsity's first goal. 

"Flying V!" Charlie calls out, and the rest of the team on the ice skates to him. Charlie took the lead as the other four followed behind him. Charlie passed back to Ellie, who then passed it back one more time to Guy, making their way toward Varsity's net. 

Ellie watched as the rest of her team hit the ice, wondering why the Varsity defender didn't hit her as well. She looked at the player who was supposed to be guarding her, Adam. She let out a sigh, as it was starting to seem that Adam was taking it easy on her. She quickly turned on her skates, catching up to Varsity, who was on a breakaway. It was one versus four, so she knew this wasn't going to end well. She tried to implement what Orion had taught her about defense, but it was no use. These guys were twice her size and she couldn't take on all four of them, which resulted in another Varsity goal. 

At the next face off, Ellie was determined to score a goal for the Ducks, but more importantly to rub it in Varsity's face. All the Ducks were pissed at the Varsity team, but none of them more pissed than Ellie. It was their fault that she and Adam broke up. They were the ones who made him start acting like someone he wasn't.

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