I'm Getting Traded to the Ducks

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After getting the worst news of his life at his last hockey game, all Adam wanted to do was talk to his best friend. Luckily she had forgiven him for what he did during their outing with Larson and McGill. After she left him alone in the yard, he thought a lot about what she said. Later that night, he was at her window with an apology. Since they were best friends, she was quick to forgive him. 

Adam found himself back at his best friend's window, ready to complain about what his life was about to become. He either had to quit hockey or join the Ducks. Apparently the district had redrawn the lines and he had been playing for the wrong team all season. His biggest nightmare was coming true. 

He rapidly knocked on her window, hoping she was in her room. Not even ten seconds later, she was opening up the window. "Hey, Adam," Ellie greets him, a smile on her face. The smile was quick to fade when she noticed the sad look on Adam's face. "Is everything okay?"

"No, I'm being traded to the Ducks!" The last thing Adam wanted to do was leave the Hawks team, but if he didn't they would have to forfeit every game, meaning they wouldn't get to play in the championship. The other option was choosing not to play hockey over playing for the Ducks, but Adam didn't want that either. Other than Ellie, hockey was entire world. He wouldn't be Adam Banks if he wasn't playing hockey. 

"What? Why?" Ellie asks, as the two sit on her bedroom floor. Adam had been playing for the Hawks all season, she didn't understand why he suddenly needed to be traded to a different team. 

"Apparently the district redrew the lines and my house now falls in District 5. Some dude came to our game today with the Ducks coach and told me that I needed to be playing for the Ducks. My dad of course stepped in and told them I would rather not play than play for them, and he should know that's not true. But at the same time, I know the Ducks aren't going to like me, especially after everything that's gone down," Adam rants while Ellie listens to every word he says. She felt bad for him because she knew how much he loved playing for the Hawks, but it seemed like this trade was inevitable. 

"You know I'll support you no matter what decision you make," Ellie reassures him, grabbing his hand in hers. Adam rested her head on her shoulder, thankful she had his back through anything. Ellie hated that Adam was going through this, knowing whatever decision he made was going to drastically change his life. She couldn't imagine Adam not playing hockey, but she also couldn't imagine Adam playing for the Ducks. 

"Thanks, Ellie. I wouldn't be able to do this without you." For a ten year old, this was the hardest decision in the world for Adam. His dad was a Hawk and so was his older brother. He didn't even know if his dad would continue to support him if he decided to play for the Ducks. He just wished Ellie would be there playing alongside with him. Then... that's when it hit him. Sure, Ellie wouldn't play for the Hawks because of the other players on the team and Coach Reilly, but maybe she would play for the Ducks. They already had some girls on the team, and he was sure they would be more welcoming towards her. 

"Why do you have that look on your face?" Ellie asks, knowing Adam was thinking of some sort of plan. She didn't know what it was, but she was sure it would involve her in some way. Whatever he had planned was making her nervous. 

"What if you join the Ducks with me?" Adam asks, practically begging. He didn't know if he would ever be accepted by the Ducks, so it would be easier if he had a friend joining with him. "Please, Ellie. I know how much you wanna play and I know you didn't want to play for the Hawks. So, play for the Ducks. Play with me." 

Ellie thought hard about what Adam was asking of her. Other than her family and Adam, no one knew she played hockey. Sure, Adam taught her everything he knows, but she didn't know how that would translate into a team setting. The only person she was used to playing against was Adam. She had thought about playing for the Ducks before, but she didn't know how welcoming they would be. She knew that they had seen her around before with Adam and they didn't like him, so she assumed she would also be hated just due to the association. However, playing with Adam was something she always wanted to do ever since he taught her how to play. 

"Let me ask my parents," Ellie finally responds, making Adam wear the biggest grin. The chance to play on a team with Ellie was something he hoped would happen for years. This was an opportunity that could be once in a lifetime. The fact that he got Ellie to agree was something he thought he would never be capable of doing. She was a great player and she deserved a chance to show people what she could do. She had been wasting her talent all these years, only playing with Adam and it was about time she changed that. Everyone deserved to see her play, especially since she was better than most players in the league. 

The next day, Ellie and Adam met up with the coach of the Ducks, Gordon Bombay, to show him what Ellie could bring to the team. He was a little skeptical of Ellie at first considering he had never heard of her or seen her play anywhere. However, his mind quickly changed when he saw her scrimmaging with Adam. He knew how great of a player Adam was and how great of an addition he would be to the Ducks team. 

"Why have you never played before?" Coach Bombay asks once he had asked the two to stop their scrimmage. With Tammy and Connie, he had teach them a lot about the game, but with her, it was different. She knew everything there was to know. 

"I do, but I just only play with Adam. I had debated playing in the peewee league many times, but I just didn't want to play for the Hawks. When Adam told me he was being traded, he thought this would be a good chance for me to finally play, too." Gordon nods, though he didn't understand why she wouldn't want to play for the Hawks. He figured everyone would want to play for them given the chance, but it was refreshing to hear that this girl had a good head on her shoulders. 

"Well, we'll have a jersey waiting for you at the next game. Welcome to the Ducks, Ellie." Coach Bombay shakes her hand and leaves the two on the pond. With both Ellie and Adam, he knew the Ducks had a great shot at winning the championship game. The two kids together were incredible. Not to mention the fact that this girl was one of the most talented players he had ever seen, and she just happened to learn from a boy who was the same age as her. That was something he had never seen before. 

"So, you ready to be a Duck?" Ellie asks Adam, knowing he was still nervous about joining the team at the next game. She was nervous too, not knowing how the team would react to her joining. Though, she would never tell Adam about how nervous she was, seeing as he was freaking out enough for the both of them. 

"I mean, I don't really have the choice. But, I'm glad you're going to be there next to me." Adam grabs her hand, a thankful smile on his face. He quickly places a kiss on Ellie's cheek, letting her know just how thankful he really was. The next few weeks were going to be brutal, but he knew he would be able to conquer anything that would come his way with Ellie by his side. A blush had formed on both kids' cheeks, though neither was going to acknowledge what just happened. Together they left the pond and went back to Ellie's house, ready to take on the peewee hockey league as Ducks. 

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