Back Where He Belongs

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Ellie and the rest of the Ducks stood anxiously, staring at the board members who were determined to get them out of the school. Ellie looked around at her fellow teammates, nervous of what the outcome of this meeting would be. The room the meeting was taking place in was filled with parents and other students, all curious to know what would happen to the JV hockey team. The Varsity team was especially eager to see the Ducks out of their school, not wanting them around any longer than they already have. 

"Do I have a motion for reconsideration?" Dean Buckley asks the members of the board. The members looked at each other, wondering if anyone had changed their mind about revoking the scholarships. No one had. "I'm sorry, Coach, but unless there is a motion from a board member and a second, the decision must stand." 

"You leave us no choice but to bring in our attorney," Coach Orion informs Dean Buckley and the rest of the board members. The board members didn't know that the Ducks had a few tricks up their sleeves, not willing to go down quietly. 

All eyes turned to the door and entered Coach Bombay. "Dean Buckley, members of the board. As counsel for Coach Orion and the freshman hockey team, I'm here to set forth your legal options so that you make the best possible decision for all parties concerned."

Bombay had made his way to the front of the room, taking his place next to Dean Buckley, who was surprised to see Bombay in front of him. "Mr. Bombay this isn't a legal proceeding." Dean Buckley wanted to get this board meeting over with as fast as possible, not wanting to turn into a legal matter.

"Not yet, but I can assure you that it will be. These scholarships, an offer became a binding contract upon the signatures of the recipients and acceptance by the Ducks. They cannot be voided except for cause which, I guarantee you, you have none. Should you decide to pursue their cancellation, I will slap you with an injunction. I will tie this matter up in court for years, until longer after these kids have gone on to college. And I will collect damages. I will win. Because I am very, very good. You know why I'm so good? Because I had a good education. You gave it to me and you're gonna give it to these kids. Now some of you may be snobbish enough to believe that these Ducks don't belong at Eden Hall. Let me tell you, you are dead wrong. These are remarkable young people. You give them their full shot, and I promise you they will succeed, not only on the ice, but in the classrooms as well. These people are my friends, and I know what they can do. Accordingly, I demand that you reinstate their scholarships, for their benefit and for your own."

Once Bombay finished his speech, Ellie knew there was no way the board members would keep their decision. She knew that they didn't want to be tied up in a legal battle for over four years. It was easier just to let the Ducks keep their scholarships. The Ducks looked at each other, smiles on their faces, knowing that Bombay had gotten to the board members. 

"I move that the scholarships be reinstated." That was one board member, and they only needed one more to stay at the school. Once a second person raised their hand, the entire committee had voted all in favor. Cheers erupted in the room, all the students, other than the Varsity team, happy that the Ducks were staying at the school. 

The team had filed out of the room, gathering around Charlie and Linda. "Congratulations... in destroying our school," Rick Riley says, surrounded by the rest of the Varsity team.

"Hey, look, it's our school too," Ken responds. Just because Varsity didn't want them here doens't mean every else shared the same viewpoint. Their scholarships were reinstated and they would be attending the school for their high school careers. 

"It's everyone's school, you stupid jock." Ellie appreciated Linda's support, but that comment wasn't going to do them any favors. 

"No, it'll never be your school. Don't you get it? You're our own little affirmative action, brought in for color to entertain us. But you couldn't even do that. Your fancy lawyer kept you in on a technicality, but you'll never belong." 

"You'll never be anything more than a bunch of rejects here on a free ride." Cole chimes in, and Ellie had to contain her laughter. He could call them rejects all he wants, but Varsity players were at the school on a free ride as well, whether it be scholarship or their parents' money. 

"Free ride? Look at you, rich boy!" Russ shoots back, saying exactly what Ellie was thinking. "Mummy and Daddy gave you everything, huh?"

"Hey, JV-Varsity game's on Friday. Then we'll show the whole school what a joke you really are." Now that Adam was back with the Ducks, Varsity had no idea what their team was really like. "Then maybe you'll leave on your own. It'd be... the only honorable thing to do."  

Charlie let's out a scoff, unamused at the Varsity's comments. They weren't afraid of them, and nothing Varsity said would intimidate them. "Listen, you guys had an unfair advantage last time. You had one of us: Banksie."

"Oh, well, keep him. He never had the heart of a Warrior anyway." Ellie was about ready to fight Rick Riley over that comment, but she knew she had to keep her cool. If she wanted to take him out, it would have to be on the ice at the JV-Varsity game. 

"Hey, Biff, one more thing. After we beat you, the Warriors die and the Ducks fly." The Ducks were here to stay at Eden Hall and they wanted no association with the Warrior name. The Ducks were always going to live on. 

"Good move, Russ. Make 'em even madder," Averman tells him once the Varsity teams walks away. He then turns his attention to Charlie and says, "Charlie, we gotta do something, man." 

"Yeah, you're right. We've gotta get to work." The Ducks knew how good Varsity was so if they wanted a real shot at beating them, they were going to have to practice.

"I'm glad you're back," Ellie tells Adam as the team walks out of the school. The Ducks were never the same without Adam, so finally having him back on the team felt like finally finding the missing puzzle piece.

"It's good to be back. Riley was right, I never had the heart of a Warrior. I'm always going to be a Duck." Ellie smiled up at her friend, as she always knew he was Duck. He may have went along with the dinner prank, but she knew that wasn't the real him. He struggled with getting along with the Varsity players, but now he was back where he belongs. He was home with the Ducks.

Author's Note:

Honestly, Adam deserved more lines in this movie!! Like why couldn't they let him stand up for himself when Riley called him out!! He may be a pretty quiet guy, but I feel like he would have some killer comebacks. Anway, hope y'all enjoyed the chapter and I'm gonna hopefully post the next one either tomorrow or on Monday! 

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