That Was a Statement

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The team had arrived in Los Angeles and was getting warmed up to compete in their first game against Trinidad and Tobago. USA was ranked second in the tournament, behind Iceland, and Trinidad was ranked tenth. The team didn't want to seem cocky, but they knew they were going to win this game. They were confident in their skils and knew they had the ability to beat any team they went up against. 

They were already up 6-0, but Ellie had managed to make another goal, continuing their lead. She had skated off the ice, getting replaced by Jesse. Adam handed her a water bottle and patted her on the back, congratulating her on the goal. If he could've, he would've kissed her. However, it didn't seem like the time or place for that. 

Jesse was put in the penalty box for roughing, and Ellie could see some fan getting on his nerves. She was curious to know what that was about. Dean and Fulton made their way onto the ice, ready to put their job as enforcers to work. They had no issue shoving every player from Trinidad to the ice. The opposing team had no chance against Dean and Fulton when they worked together. With Trinidad's entire defense on the ground, Dean had scored another goal, bringing the score to 8-0.  

Ellie and Charlie had taken notice of Adam consistently looking at the stands whenever he was on the bench, anxious about whoever was up there watching the game. "Don't tell me your dad's here," Charlie said, looking at his friend. Charlie knew what winning meant to Banks's father. It was everything to him and that's why Adam worked so hard. He didn't want to let his dad down, knowing he was counting on him. 

"Scouts, man. Look at 'em." Charlie and Ellie follow Adam's gaze to the two men in suits, who were scribbling things down in notebooks. Playing in front of scouts was the most exciting and nerve-wracking thing for Adam. Scouts were a huge deal to him and his father, their dream of him playing in the NHL was in the hands of scouts. He needed to be perfect in every game, just in hopes of getting a shot. Ellie placed a hand on his shoulder, letting him know that things were going to be okay.

"Don't worry about scouts, Adam. Just play your best." Adam turned his attention away from the scouts on to Charlie. It was good advice, but it wasn't that simple. He always played his best, but he never knew if his best was good enough.

When the buzzer signals the end of the game, Team USA had won 9-2. The team was in high spirits, happy to start the competition off with a win. They wanted to make a statement and that score did that for them. Their team came to win the gold and if they continued to play like they did today, it wasn't going to be an issue. 

"Alright! Way to go! That wasn't a game, that was a statement!" Bombay was proud of the way his team played. They were going to continue practicing and training the way they had, seeing as it was working for them. The gold had Team USA's name written all over it. 

Following the game, Coach Bombay and the team had their first press confrence. No one on the team was expecting a press confrence, but apparently that's what happens when you represent your country in an international competition. "Ladies and gentleman, Team USA hockey," Mr. Tibbles had introduced them, allowing the team to gather on the stage. It was a bit weird that people genuinely had questions for them and were interested in getting to know them, seeing as they were just a bunch of kids. "And the man chosen to lead them to the gold, Gordon Bombay." 

Suddenly a polar bear had appeared out of nowhere and was joining them on stage. According to Mr. Tibbles the bear was named Henry, and he was the Hendrix bear. The team had their picture taken with the bear and were now going to answer questions. 

"Team USA, how does it feel competing on the international level here in Los Angeles?" The first question from the reporters gained a lot of positive feedback from the team. Everyone was loving being in Los Angeles and being able to play in this competition. 

"Coach Bombay, the Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favorite. Their coach has already guaranteed victory. How are you going to handle them?" A few of the team was not pleased by that question. Sure, Iceland was a good team, but that didn't mean they were going to win the tournament. 

"Hard work. I think our team is ready to go up against the best in the world. We're not worried about 'em. Iceland may be though, but we're Team USA and we're goin' all the way." The team agreed with coach, ready to prove that they were going to be the ones that win the gold, not Iceland. 

"Team USA is going down." The team turns their attention to whoever said that. Wolf 'The Dentist' Stansson. What was he doing in Los Angeles? This dude only played one year in the NHL before getting kicked out. "That's where you're going. See you on the ice, Bombay."

This was the team's first look at the Iceland team. They were double their size and looked like they would be able to crush them with their pinky fingers. The only people on the team that had a chance against them without possibly getting injured or dying was Fulton and Dean. Everyone else was going to get tossed around like garbage. Team USA certaintly was going to have to work twice as hard if they wanted beat them.

Author's Note: 

I know in the movie, Charlie asks Adam if he had a girl in the stands, not his dad. However, Ellie was sitting right next to them, so it wouldn't make sense for Charlie to ask that. In the books, Charlie asks about his dad so I decided to use that version. 

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