Glowing in the Moonlight

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Team USA was now in the dorms and Ellie was bunking with Connie and Julie, seeing as they were the only girls on the team. Dwayne, Kenny, Luis, and Goldberg were rooming together. Dean and Fulton had managed to get a room with just the two of them and so did Jesse and Averman. Which left Adam, Charlie, and Guy together. Ellie was happy that her boyfriend was sharing a room with those two and not anyone else. She would've felt bad if he had to share with Averman or Goldberg.  

Since this was the first chance the girls got to be alone together, they decided it was the perfect time to gossip. "So, Julie, anyone on the team catch your eye?" Connie asks. The two girls were hoping Julie had started crushing on somone, seeing as they were already in relationships. 

"I mean a lot of them are cute, but I'm not really interested in dating any of them," Julie shares with her roommates. Unlike the girls she shared a room with, she had no interest in dating her teammates. She was on this team to play hockey and that's what she was going to do. Her mind was focused on doing what she could to help the team win the gold, not getting a boyfriend. 

"Fair enough," Ellie shrugs. If she was in Julie's position, she would probably have the same mindset. She came here to prove herself as an excellent goalie, leaving behind her team in Maine. Ellie just hoped that she was going to get that chance, knowing she was a better goalie than Goldberg.

"What I'm interested in is how you and Adam got together," Julie changes the topic of conversation, which also catches Connie's attention. None of the new players needed to be told that Adam and Ellie were dating. Adam made it the most obvious thing in the world, clearly very happy in the relationship. He looks at her as if she had hung the moon and the stars. 

Ellie cringes as she remembers the awkward, but cute, day that happened almost two and a half years ago. The two now look back at the day, laughing at the awkwardness that occured between them. "Oh, god. When he asked me out, it was the most awkward thing. He was so nervous, but it was cute." She then proceeds to tell the entire story of her and Adam, from the day they met to the day he asked her to be his girlfriend. Julie couldn't help the few awws that came out of her mouth as Ellie told them the story. It seemed as if the pair were made for each other, and Julie had a feeling they were going to be together for a very long time. 

"Your turn, Connie. Tell us about you and Guy." Even Ellie didn't know the full story of Connie and Guy. When she joined the Ducks, the two were already together. Guy even kissed her when they won the championship game against the Hawks, in front of everyone. Now, that was a cute moment. 

As Connie was telling the other girls the story of her and Guy, there was repeated knocks on their door. Connie stopped talking as Ellie opened the door. "Let us in!" Goldberg says, practically pushing out of the way. He, Kenny, and, Luis, who was wearing Dwayne's cowboy hat, rushed into their room and slammed the door closed. 

"What are you guys doing?" Connie asks, curious as to why these teammates were suddenly in their room. The entire team should technically be asleep, but the girls could hear the music coming from Fulton and Dean's room. Those two were obviously still awake. 

"We may or may not have played a prank on Dwayne, so we're hiding from him. He chased us out of the room and we needed somewhere to go," Kenny informs the three girls, who were all staring at them with their arms crossed. 

"Why couldn't you go to Charlie's room?" Ellie asks. As much as she enjoyed the presence of her teammates, she didn't want them in her room. The girls were enjoying the peace and quiet away from their rambunctious teammates. The boys were a completely different level of crazy, while the girls were more chill. 

"We tried, but they didn't answer," Luis shrugs. Ellie let out a sigh and walked out of the room, heading to a room a few doors down. In the hallway stood Dwayne, with a face full of something that looked like shaving cream. He was looking for the three boys that were currently in her room. Ellie was sure to let him know that's where they were. 

She knocked as hard and loud as she could on the door of the room she was searching for. Eventually, a half asleep Charlie answers the door. "What's going on?" 

Ellie doesn't say anything, but instead barges her way into the room. She turns on the light, waking up the two sleeping boys. "Hey!" Guy shouts, wanting to know who turned the light on. Adam looks at her confused as to why she was in their room. 

"There are four maniacs in our room right now, and they were supposed to be in your room, but you wouldn't answer the door. So all of you are going to get up and get them out of there," Ellie practically demands. Adam and Guy quickly scrambled out of bed, not wanting to make Ellie even more annoyed. Those four idiots weren't about to be her problem, so she was going to force them onto Charlie, Guy, and Adam. They can handle them. Charlie was their captain, so it was pretty much his responsibility anyway. 

The four made their way back to Ellie's room. The door was still open and they were greeted by Dwayne arguing with the three goons that had decided to prank him. Connie and Julie stood in the back of the room, watching it all happen. Plus, the music from Fulton and Dean's room could still be heard. 

What Ellie hoped would be a rescue mission, turned out to be even more of a disaster. Guy ended up going to talk to Connie, and Adam stood next to his girlfriend, amused at the argument that was taking place. That left Charlie trying to rangle the four boys by himself. Let's just say it wasn't going very well. 

"Come on," Adam says, whisking his girlfriend out of the room before anyone could notice. The look on her face told him being in that room was the last place she wanted to be, so he decided to do something about it. 

The two walked out of the dorm building and to the large grass area that was right outside. They laid on the grass and looked up at the stars, which was something they always did back home, but it wasn't quite the same. The stars weren't as visible or bright as they were back in Minnesota. However, the two were just as content. As the two laid side by side, their hands meshed together perfectly and Ellie had one leg draped over Adam's.

"Thanks for getting me out of there," Ellie finally says, breaking their peaceful silence. She turned her attention away from the night sky and toward Adam, his features glowing in the moonlight. He was perfect. 

"You looked like you were seconds away from fighting all of them and I don't think Coach Bombay would be very happy with that," Adam laughs, all of his attention focused on the stunning girl who laid next to him. The way her green eyes glistened in the moon light made his heart swoon. He was so in love with her. The two had never said those three words out loud. It was always implied, but never spoken over the last two and a half years. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ellie took notice of Adam staring at her face. She was starting to think she had something on her face, possibly a bug or maybe food from dinner. Either way, she was feeling a little self-conscious. 

"I'm just so in love with you." He wanted to be the one who said it first, since Ellie was the one who initiated their first kiss. Adam could've said those three words a few months into dating, but they were so young and he didn't need to be saying it that soon. He didn't mean to wait so long to tell her, but he just wanted the moment to be perfect. 

"I love you, Adam Banks." Ellie has been waiting to hear those three words. There were so many times she wanted to tell Adam how she felt, but she would end up chickening out. She never knew when the time would be right. But in this moment, everything was perfect. 

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