The Great One

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With a win against Canada, Team USA was one win away from playing for a gold medal. Not only that, but now they were tied with Iceland thanks to their loss against Russia. This entire tournament has been a wild ride, but everyone on the team was thankful to be here. They couldn't imagine being anywhere else. Victory was so close they could taste it. 

Due to Banks' injury, they now had an open roster slot. Thanks to Charlie and his scouting skills, that slot was now filled by Russ Tyler. Ellie was excited that Russ was joining the team, ready to see his knucklepuck get put to use. It could be helpful in their game today. She also really wanted him to teach her how to make that shot. 

With a minute and a half left in the game, USA was up 2-1 against Russia. Everyone was praying that this game didn't go into overtime. To be this close to the gold medal and lose in a shoot out is everyone's worst nightmare. They weren't ready to go home yet. A second chance against Iceland is all anybody talked about since they got the old Coach Bombay back. The team was filled with a renewed energy and knew they had a real chance to beat them. 

With hardly any time left on the clock, Ellie could hear Russ calling for the puck. This was it. She passes him the puck and watches as he lines up his shot. They already had the lead but an extra point wouldn't hurt. The puck flies past the defense, and into the goal. The siren goes off and a few seconds later the final buzzer goes off. 

The celebration in the locker room was something you could hear from miles away. They were going to be playing for the gold. A once in a lifetime opportunity. Win or lose, the team was incredibly proud of themselves. This tournament wasn't for the faint of heart. They pushed themselves farther and harder than they thought they could. They had made a name for themselves, proving they could compete with the best in the world. 

"I told him no visitors, but he wanted to congratulate you anway," Coach Bombay's voice rang through the locker room. The celebration took a pause and everyone's eyes turned to the door. Ellie just about passed out when she saw Wayne Gretzky. She looked over at Adam and could've sworn it looked like he was about to shed a tear. His idol. He couldn't believe he was here. 

Everyone else was just as in shock, eyes about to pop out of their sockets. No one believed this was real life. "That's Wayne Gretzky," Jesse had to say his name to believe it. Yet here he was in the flesh. Ellie could've sworn she saw a few of her teammates pinch themselves, hoping it wasn't a dream. 

They wouldn't be Team USA if they didn't all start speaking at once when he approached them. Everyone wanted a handshake or an autograph, but who wouldn't. It's Wayne FREAKIN' Gretzky, the best player in the NHL. This man was everybody's idol. 

"Guys, this is the great one!" Ellie's smile widened as Charlie introduced Wayne Gretzky to the rest of the team, as if they had no idea who he was. Normally the team would be making fun of Charlie for his comment, much like they did with Dwayne and the Wheaties box, but everyone was to distracted by the man who stood in front of them. No one wanted to turn their attention away from him. 

"Wayne's fine." His comment earned a chuckle from the entire team, as well as the adults who were with them in the locker room. They could tell how starstruck Charlie was. It was clear the team was enjoying their surprise gift from Coach Bombay. 

They all waited patiently as Wayne was kind enough to sign autographs for the entire team. No one could keep their composure, no matter how hard they tried. How could they, though? They were truly living their best lives and nothing would be able to dampen their moods. Plus, it was likely they would never get this opportunity again. 

"Mr. Gretzky. Please?" Adam holds out his hockey stick, the smile on his face not leaving anytime soon. He may already have the signed poster Ellie got him for his birthday, but this was something he was going to remember for the rest of his life. No one on this team loved Wayne Gretzky more than Adam Banks. 

After chatting with Wayne and getting signatures, a photographer had came in and had asked the group for a picture. "Say, hockey!"

"Hockey!" They were really getting a photo taken with THE Wayne Gretzky. When the photographer announced that the photo would be in tomorrow's newspaper, everyone on the team had the same idea. 

The following morning, the team rushed to the newspaper stand that sat right outside their dorm building. Everyone grabbed their own copy, everyone wanting to keep that picture of them with Wayne Gretzky. The newspaper was going to be stored away in their suitcases and immediately hung up once they got home. Everyone chatting at once, staring at the picture of themselves in the newspaper. They were just kids from Minnesota, and a few other places around the states, so that moment was something they were going to cherish for the rest of their lives. Plus, they were all wanting to show it off to some of their friends back home. 

Author's Note:

A short and filler chapter, but i loved them when they met Wayne Gretzky and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to put it in a chapter. Also we were robbed of a scene between Banksie and Wayne Gretzky and i'm so upset!!!! How could they not put that in the movie??!! LiterALLY EVERYONE KNOWS HOW MUCH THAT BOY LOVES WAYNE GRETZKY

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