Ducks Fly Together!

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The moment everyone was waiting for was finally here. The hockey finals, Team USA versus Iceland. After all the practicing they had done, the team was feeling confident. However, they weren't going to underestimate the Iceland team like last time. They knew what they were up against and they knew it was going to take hard work to win this game.

The team was chatting in the locker room while getting ready, anxiously waiting to go out on the ice for warm-ups. The feeling in the locker room was different this time around. The team had humbled themselves since the last time they played Iceland. "Coach." All eyes turned to Adam Banks, who had his gear in his hands. 

"Banks!" The team was excited to see him back in the locker room. Due to his injury, he wasn't allowed in the locker room and had watched their game against Russia in the stands. 

"I woke up... and the pain was gone." Adam showed Coach Bombay that he was able to rotate his wrist without an issue. He had been hoping this would happen, not wanting to miss his chance at playing in the title game. He got cheers from his fellow teammates, showing their support. 

"Adam, I'm sorry, we already have a full roster," Coach Bombay informs his newly healed player. As much as he would love to have Banks play in this game, their roster was full. There was nothing he could do about it. 

Ellie looked around at her teammates, their faces falling. They were a good team, but with Banks they would be a great team. He was the only person able to get a goal against Iceland the first time. He was a key player to their team. 

"He can have my spot," Charlie offers. He walks up to where Adam and Bombay stood. "It's what I can do for the team." 

Ellie admired the sacrifice Charlie was making. Charlie knew how much playing meant to Adam, especially with the scouts being here. The team needed Adam on the ice more than they needed him. If they wanted a chance at winning this game, Adam needed to be playing. 

"Charlie, I need you on the bench, coaching right there with me." Bombay's invitation to Charlie got the team erupting in cheers again. It was nice of Coach Bombay to let Charlie help coach rather than make him sit in the stands.

Since they were in the finals, they were playing in a new location, Arrowhead Pond. The stands were filled, not a single empty seat in sight. The support the team had gotten throughout this tournament was unwavering. It was incredible to see so many people supporting them. 

"Heads high! Stand tall! Fly straight! USA," Bombay starts the new chant the team had worked on. While they weren't the Ducks anymore, they still wanted a refrence in there, remembering their roots. 

"All the way!" The team finishes before the starting players take the ice. The crowd was electrifying, echoing throughout the arena. Everyone was cheering, not a single person was quiet. 

Iceland starts off the game with an early 1-0 lead. They were still playing just as dirty, maybe even more, as the last game. The team needed to hold their ground if they wanted a shot to win this game. 

The team was hoping to use Russ as a secret weapon, but he immediately got double teamed by Iceland. Apparently, they had done their scouting report on the new player. Bombay was going to have to get creative if they wanted to find a way to utilize Russ and his knucklepuck. 

With Iceland stealing the puck, they had made their way down the ice and brought the score to 2-0. They still had a chance, but they needed to do something to get back in this game and they needed to do it fast. Iceland was a bigger and stronger team. If Team USA didn't start pulling out some creative plays, the gold medal would be going home with Iceland. 

"Banks, you're on! Hey, be careful out there." Ellie watched nervously as Adam took the ice again. She had only been sitting for a few seconds, getting replaced by Guy. While pouring water into her mouth, she just hoped and prayed that Adam wouldn't get injured again. Iceland knew how good of a player he was and would probably do their best to get him out of the game again. 

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