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AN : last chapter for a few days cuz this is the last pre - written one :3 im working on the next one !! i just won't get it done for a bit cuz i have to go to work tomorrow and the day after !! afterwards however.. its fair game!!


└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

"Are you hungry?" Will says after he pops in the VHS tape to 'Purple Rain.' As cheesy as the movie was, he and Mike did both enjoy the musical soundtrack and he personally enjoyed looking at Prince for over an hour and a half.

The television whirs with a mechanical breeze as it processes the tape and it clicks on halfway through the movie.

Will groans as he basically tackles the VCR to re - wind it back to the beginning.

Mike laughs a bit at the scene before him and leans back onto the living room sofa lazily.

"Yeah, I'm hungry. Do you got any popcorn left?"

"Mmm.." Will hums as he thinks. "I might.." he finally adds after the movie stops at the beginning.

He hits play quickly so Mike can watch the intro while he looks before getting up from his spot criss - crossed on the carpet in front of the television to go check the kitchen cupboards.

He walks the familiar path across the room to the kitchen and opens the cabinet it would be in when all of a sudden -

He gasps as a sliver of wood pricks his finger and he curses at himself with a sharp inhale and winces as he pulls it out.

He grimaces at the blood beading up on the tiny mark that was pricked and he sucks on his fingertip for a moment before he gets goosebumps and feels the back of his neck with his palm as he feels.. off.

He tries to brush it off to stay happy for Mike and picks up a big, clear glass bowl to share the popcorn in with Mike before he feels an oddly powerful yet familiar impending sense of.. dread and doom.

Will's breathing picks up heavily as he sees a flash in the window out of the corner of his eye.

"Mike-?" He calls out to ask if it was supposed to rain today, but once he turns in Mike's direction he's greeted with nothing but the cold dampness of the upside - down and the slippery vines all around him.

He freezes in his spot and he hears the familiar heavy footsteps and suddenly he can't move a muscle as he's frozen in place.

The slimy grey creature comes around the corner of the hallway, making its way up to him and -

He gasps and drops the glass bowl as he gets startled.

The shards scatter at his feet and he quickly looks up from the ground to see Mike in front of him, shaking him vigorously.

"Will- ? Will! Wake up! Will?"

He shakes Will a bit more gently but keeps calling his name as he opens his eyes to look at Mike, now alert.

"I- What- W-" Will starts, realising he's tearing up again as he feels the warm droplets hit his cheeks.

"Shh.. You're okay. Did it happen again?"

Will only nods as he immediately knows what Mike is referring to.

Mike pulls Will into a tight hug, carefully acting like he's walking on eggshells because well there is a pile of glass surrounding them on the floor after all.

Will clasps his arms around Mike tightly and rests his chin on Mike's shoulder. He sniffles a bit and wipes his tears off his face with his palm.

"I'm sorry." Will says again. "I- I went to- to get a bowl and the- and the- it- it was-"

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