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"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Troy comes bursting out of the school, marching towards Will demanding an answer for something.

"What- what-" Will stutters as he tries to make sense of words anymore.

"You scared us half to fuckin' death in there! How'd you fuckin' do that! Huh? TELL ME! You're a freak! You probably did some nerd shit! Hologram or something, dumb mother - fucker!"

Troy spits at Will, though when he catches El's angered eye he starts to back off.

"Hey! Back off him, ass - hole." Mike voices out his anger this time, as he knew Will was in no position to defend himself at the moment.

"Yeah! Really, can't you see he's not okay? Piss off!" Max shouts at him, and Troy shrugs and runs back in the school but only after running his mouth some more.

"Yeah, whatever! As if I wanted to see that freak anymore!"

Will's breathing runs heavy again as he feels the tears start to push at his eyelids again.

"Hey.. hey no.." Mike says softly once he notices the tears threatening to spill from Will's eyes. He rests his hands on Will's cheeks, ignoring the rest of the party staring at them for now as he runs his thumbs gently over Will's eyes.

"Don't cry," Mike whispers to Will, looking over him. "Look, let's get you home. You're okay. Please don't cry," He pleads of Will, who's bottom lip only quivers in response as the extra attention from Mike alone makes him want to burst out into tears.

He looks away at the ground and suddenly he's crying, the previous events coming back into his mind and as he remembers how his heart dropped when he saw the demogorgon, he is overwhelmed with emotion again.

He feels embarrassed and scared and he just wants to hug Mike until it all goes away but he's in front of the party.

Mike seems to read his mind, and he holds onto Will as he starts to cry as if to say in response, 'Screw the party! You're all that matters..'

He doesn't want anyone gawking at Will as he cries, so he lets Will hide his face in his chest as he quietly sobs.

"Can you guys.. you know.." Mike makes a hand gesture as if to wave them off. "Give him some room..?"

They all look at each and nod. "Okay, yeah, sure, sorry." Dustin offers out as a quick apology as they all scatter back in - to the school.

Mike looks back down at Will as they're all gone now.

"Hey.. hey what's wrong?" He says softly, rubbing his back soothingly once again as he's realised over time that it seems to make Will less tense.

"I'm a f-freak," Will gets out, his voice shaking.

"Hey! You're not a freak!" Mike sticks up for him, not appreciating his self deprecation.

"I- I am," Will cries out softly, his nose starting to run with a mixture of blood and snot and he pulls back to wipe at it frantically once he realises it, and Mike's eyes widen.

"Oh my god! Are you okay? Your nose is bleeding!" He says and forgets all about soothing Will, and Will shakes his head.

"No, no it's okay I- I-"

Mike gasps out quietly as he looks over Will's pained expression as he pulls out a napkin from his pocket that he had taken as a spare from his breakfast that morning.

He usually kept napkins or tissues in his pockets as spares, and it was small nerdy things like this that slowly led Will to fall in love with him.

Will looks straight on at Mike and holds short eye contact with him as he dabs gently underneath of Will's nose to swipe the blood and snot away.

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