Running up that hill

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Trigger warning: mentions of childhood trauma and physical abuse


The pounding in Eddie's head was enough to wake him up.
He groaned and rubbed his face,flinching as soon as his hand made contact with it.
His hand was swollen and he had no idea why.
Hell,he had no idea what even happened last night.
He looked at his bedside clock and realized that he was later than he usually was for school.
Normally he would just pass and keep his hangover self at home.
But that was before he met you.
Madly in love was one way to put it.
Eddie knew you well over the times you spent together.
He knew of the troubles you went through during your childhood and because of that Eddie felt the need to be your protector. Making a promise that no one would ever hurt you again as long as he could do anything about it.
He slid himself out of bed and made his way to the bathroom.
Splashing water onto his face,he looked up into the mirror.
Sunken bags under his eyes and a rats nest on top of his head from how messy and unmanageable it looked.
Eddie shrugged his shoulders and went to head to school.
It was the perfect look for him.

The bright high school hallway lights blinded Eddie as he stepped in.
His head began to pound again but he kept on walking until he spotted his favorite sight.
You were standing by your locker, rummaging through it like you always did in-between classes.
"Sorry I'm late, sweetheart."
You heard Eddie from behind you.
Your heart dropped and you swallowed the lump that had instantly formed in your throat.
"Oh ugh hey Eddie."
You replied not looking up at him.
He noticed your strange behavior almost instantly.
Eddie stared at you for a moment. His once goofy smile dropped and his eyes shifted from happy to concerned
"Hey...are you alright,y/n?"
Eddie rested his hand on your shoulder. What was supposed to be a soothing touch of comfort sent dread down your body.
You kept looking down and tried to hurry up and leave.
"Yeah I'm just...just late for class. I have a big test."
"Y/n wait a minute."
Eddie grabbed your arm which caused you to flinch.
You finally looked up at him.
Eddie gasped a little as he seen your face. You had a split cheek which had caused it to be swollen.
It looked painful and it most definitely was.
"Y/n,what the fuck happened?"
Eddie was angry. In fact,he was almost fuming with anger.
"You don't remember? Eddie you did this."
Suddenly the puzzle pieces finally came together. Why his hand hurt so much,your swollen cheek,and the fact he couldn't remember shit from last night.
Guilt instantly built up in him. He looked at his hands with fear.
"I...what do you mean?"
Tears began to burn his eyes and for once he didn't try his damnest to hold them back.
It took you by surprise and broke your heart to see him cry. It was the first time in all the years that you've known Eddie to ever see him so emotional and crying.
"You were drunk and I guess I took you by surprise. You just backhanded me I didn't know what to do so I just ran."
You explained "and I know it's not your fault you weren't yourself. But I couldn't just stand there it reminded me of everything that happened when I was a kid."
Eddie pulled you in for a hug and you could feel his body shake as he cried.
The school bell rang which meant it was time to get to class but Eddie could have cared less,neither could you.
"I am so so sorry, princess." He whimpered and held onto you tighter
"I made a promise no one would ever hurt you again and I can't believe I are my whole world,my stars and moon,your my universe."
Eddie rambled on
"I promise princess I wont ever get wasted like that again. I can't afford to loose you or hurt you."
He pulled back from his tight hug and cupped your face between the palm of his hands.
His eyes were puffy and red as the tears kept pouring.
You gave him a gentle small smile
"I believe you,Eddie."
He rested his forehead against yours and the two of you stood like that for a minute. His thumbs were on each side of your face as he still cupped it and you could feel them move slowly along your skin with comfort.
You smiled more and pressed your lips against his.
He kissed you back and when he did pull away,you noticed his tears had stopped.
"I love you so much, princess."
"I love you too,Eddie."

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