My cheerleader

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After three years of being on Hawkins Cheer team you were suddenly kicked off. You didn't know why but you could probably assume it was because of your recent involvement with the infamous Eddie Munson.
Sure,Eddie was well...Eddie.
But your devotion to cheer and the hard work you invested in it should have been all that mattered.
You sniffled and quickly wiped your tears away as you knocked on Eddie's trailer door.
The last thing you wanted was for him to see you a mess.
Eddie opened the door quick like he always did.
His smile was always bright when it came to seeing you but when he saw your red puffy eyes or how your lip began to tremble as soon as you saw him,his face softened and instantly knew something was wrong.
"What's the matter, sweetheart?"
Eddie questioned,moving over so that you could walk inside his home.
You sat down on his living room couch and began to sob the moment he asked you.
"They...they kicked me off the team."
Eddie wasn't particularly a fan of cheering but he knew how much you enjoyed it.
He also wasn't much a fan of comforting people either.
But when it came to you,you were the first person to ever make him go soft as he would call it .
He stood there for a moment and watched as your body quivered as you cried.
Eddie then crouched down to your level and grabbed your hands between his.
His rings were cold but his hands were warm. It was sort of comforting.
You looked up at him and seen a side of Eddie you had never seen.
His eyes were sweet and his smile was gentle not mischievous like usual.
"You can always be my cheerleader at tournaments," he said with a smirk "I can always use the extra encouragement and of course make the rest of the guys jealous."
You couldn't help but giggle at his comment and roll your eyes.
Eddie's smile widened as he knew that whatever he was doing was working on making you feel better
"Don't let that stupid team get you down,y/n. You're a hell of a cheerleader and I think they just lost the one thing that was keeping that team going."
You sniffled a little more and Eddie reached up to wipe the final tear that rolled down your cheek.

"Thank you so much, Eddie. You really know how to make me feel better."
Eddie stood up and reached his hand back out for you to grab as you spoke. His then usual mischievous grin twitched at the corner of his lips
"I gotta meet the guys and I could really use my cheerleader."

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