Teenage Dirtbag

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Eddie's heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest as he walked into school that morning.
His palms were sweaty and he could feel all his nerves on edge as he began to make his way to your locker.
He made himself smile brightly as he was about to tap you on your shoulder but he hurried up and turned the other way,rushing to the boys bathroom.
Thank God it was empty...or so he thought.
"You're so stupid,Eddie."
He told himself as he began to pace back and fourth in the restroom.
"It's not a big deal just ask her to go."
As he said that one of the bathroom stall's crept open.
"Eddie,your monologuing again"
Dustin said with a smirk.
Eddie,who's face was a crimson shade just by thinking about you,nearly jumped out of his skin by Dustin's appearance.
"Jesus Christ, Henderson."
Eddie said grabbing his chest from being a little shocked by Dustin.
"I didn't mean to scare you...ugh you alright,dude?"
Eddie sighed and looked down at the two iron maiden tickets in his hand
"I really want y/n to go with me but I don't know why I get so nervous when I'm around her...I'm not usually like this it's just so stupid."
Eddie complained about himself,pacing back and fourth even more than he had earlier.
Dustin just listened,shaking his head as Eddie talked.
"I have a plan."
Was all Dustin said suddenly as he grabbed Eddie by his jacket sleeve and pulled him out of the restroom.
"Let go,Henderson. Or I swear to go-"
Before Eddie could finish,Dustin pushed him against you before hurrying down the hall.
Eddie opened his mouth to yell at the younger boy but you had already turned around to see what just happened
"Eddie,are you okay?"
You asked concerned. You noticed how sweaty he was and how he honestly looked like he was about to pass out
"Y/n hey ugh..."
Eddie's words trailed off and he gripped the two tickets in his hand with nervousness.
You looked down at his hands that were balled in a tight fist and then back up at Eddie
"Do you need me to take you to the nurse? You really don't look so good."
Eddie took one deep breath before speaking

"I got two tickets to Iron Maiden this Friday. Come with me,don't say maybe."
Eddie rubbed the back of his neck as he talked. That had always been a nervous habit of his.
"Actually you can say maybe I know it's last minute things happen and I'm sure you don't want to drive all the way to Indianapolis with a freak like me so I understand...I'm sorry to bother you,y/n."
He really just wanted to slam his head into a locker from how stupid he just sounded.
You chuckled at him,thinking it was so cute how nervous he was because of you.
"Eddie I would love to go with you."
Eddie was about to turn away to run off but stopped when he heard what you had just said.
His heart stopped going a million miles and he finally relaxed just a little
"Wait,you actually want to go with me?"
"Is that surprising?"
You asked with a laugh.
Eddie shook his head no and laughed with you
The school bell rang and your peers began to rush to class. You closed your locker and began to go to class as well,hollering back at Eddie as you did so
"I'll see you Friday at my place!"
Eddie just stood there and smiled as he watched you walk off.
He was never more excited for a Friday to come until then.

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