Corroded Coffin

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Third period history felt like it was going as slow as it could possibly go

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Third period history felt like it was going as slow as it could possibly go. Usually you enjoyed history class but today it felt like your teacher talked and talked without even pausing for a breather.
You quickly tried to scribble the notes that he wrote down on the chalk board so that you could have them.
Eddie Munson on the other hand didn't even bother to pay attention to the teacher. In fact,he was more interested in you.
Ever since school had started he looked forward to actually showing up to third period only to day dream and admire you from afar.
You had caught him several times staring at you but you thought it was just your imagination or your mind playing tricks on you.
It was definitely neither.
Eddie was busy that class making out a flyer for his band,Corroded Coffin, and a showing they were going to have. And today was finally the day he was going to ask you to come.
By the time he was finished with it, the end of class bell rang.
You were packing up your stuff when you noticed someone walked over to your desk.
When you looked up you seen a smiling Eddie
"Hey y/n right?"
He asked trying to play it cool despite that little voice in his head screaming that he was being embarrassing.
You smiled back being polite
"Yeah and your Eddie. Is everything okay?"
"Everything's fine I just wanted to give you this."
Eddie handed you the flyer and you took it to look at what exactly it was
"Corroded Coffin...that's your band right?"
You asked even though you already knew it was. See Eddie wasn't the only one who had been admiring someone from afar.
Eddie smiled bigger not expecting you to know what it was at first
"Yes that's right we're actually playing today at the hideout and I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to see us?" He asked "We actually get a crowd..of about five drunks."
You laughed as he explained it more. He really didn't have to because no matter what you were going.
"It doesn't sound too bad I'll come by and see you play. Guitar right?''

ddie felt like a school girl as his smile only grew bigger and the butterflies in his stomach went crazier  the more you talked.
He nodded his head yes and went on talking
"So I'll see you tonight. Maybe afterwards we can go do something since we don't play that long?"
It was your turn to nod yes and he grinned wider
"That sounds fun. I gotta get to class before I'm late but I'll definitely see you tonight."
You grabbed your bag and headed out the class door. Eddie stood there smiling and it took the history teacher to say something to snap him out of his lover boy daze
"If only you paid attention to history like you do ms y/l/n maybe you'd be passing."

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