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"Shit shit shit!"Eddie cursed at himself as he quickly grabbed his leather jacket,running back into his trailer when he realized he forgot his vest then back to his van he went

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"Shit shit shit!"
Eddie cursed at himself as he quickly grabbed his leather jacket,running back into his trailer when he realized he forgot his vest then back to his van he went.
The reason he was rushing was simple, he was running late having fell asleep after smoking.
Eddie promised you for days now that he would make sure to pick you up on time after work since your car was kinda on it's last run and you honestly didn't expect it to run good ever again.
He was doing good at remembering but when he got bored he decided to roll himself a joint and the rest was history.
Eddie drove like a maniac to Family Video.
You had to close that day so it was late and Steve Harrington,your coworker and long time friend, refused to leave you alone until Eddie decided to show up
"You know I don't mind taking you home,y/n."
Steve suggested but you kept denying him because surely Eddie wouldn't forget about you... right?
Almost 30 minutes late,Eddie's van finally pulled into the parking lot.
He jumped out of it after parking  and immediately began to apologize
"I'm so sorry sweetheart I accidentally fell asleep."
You were always a understanding person and knew deep down Eddie really didn't mean it. You went to accept his apology when Steve spoke up before you
"Wow y/n you never told me the Eddie you were with was Eddie Munson."
Steve laughed and waved at Eddie,who's face dropped as soon as he seen Steve.
"Wow y/n you never even mentioned you worked with Harrington."
Eddie referred to Steve as he tried to not make his glaring so obvious but it was.
"Oh I didn't think it was a big deal."
"Ouch y/n"
Steve teased before placing his hand on your shoulder in a friendly manner as he walked towards his car
"I'll see you tomorrow,y/n. Oh and Eddie try not to be so late next time. Y/n is one of the only people in town who is actually decent so someone might steal her from you."
The blood in Eddie's body began to boil from anger at Steve's comment. He glared at Steve the whole time he got into his car and drove off
"Ugh Eddie can we get going now?"
You asked shivering as the night air began to pick up.
Eddie finally snapped out of his weird daze and he simply just rolled his eyes as he walked to his van.
You thought it was strange but didn't really think much of it as you followed behind him,getting into the passenger side.
The drive back to Eddie's trailer was dead silent which was unusual for the talkative boy.
"Eddie is everything okay?"
You finally asked since you couldnt take the awkward silence anymore.
Eddie let out a aggravated sigh and didn't even bother to glance at you as he spoke
"Everything's fine."
He answered a bit sternly which was yet another red flag
"Are you sure?"
"I said I'm fine. What part of that did you not get? Or do I have to be Steve for you to understand"
His harsh tone made you jump and almost instantly did regret fill the metalheads body.
Now it was obvious what exactly his problem was
"I'm sorry y/n. I didn't mean to snap I just...I know Steve and I know he's a lot better than me."

ddie pulled over on the side of the road and looked at you finally. His velvet brown eyes had sadness in them as he felt guilty for suddenly feeling angry over Steve.
"My prince there is nothing to be worried about,'' you reassured "Steve might be every girls dream but you are mine."
Eddie's frown twitched into a smile as he listened to you talk
"You promise?"
He asked just wanting to make sure.
"I pinky promise,Eddie."
You leaned over and kissed him,smiling as you felt his lips.
When you pulled back you noticed his face was red and he quickly turned the van on,trying his best to hide his blush as he felt his face get warm. 

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