Stealing from the Devil

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I took a giant bite out of my pizza. Greasy deliciousness. Sure I'll have zits popping up all over tomorrow, but I didnt care as I took another chomp. The strands of stretchy cheese, mouth watering. Jay chuckled. I gave him a questioning look. He rubbed his thumb against his cheek. I mimicked his action. He shook his head.

"here kiddo," he said brushing his thumb over my cheek cleaning of the remains of tomato sauce from my face..


Spread through my face, his caress had sent my nerves into a frenzy. My stomach fluttered at his touch making me melt.

" much better , So I was thinking and," he trailed off biting into his slice. As he chewed, question marks popped up , wondering thoughts waltzing across my head. Most of the questions delt with things I couldnt say outloud without the blood rushing to my face.

" In November for thanksgiving , you have to come see our new house, and my mom and sister have missed you a ton!" he offered, eating his food. I smiled. Thanksgiving at Jays, his mom was a kitchen godess, his dad was like a big kid, my kind of person, and his little siblings were just adorable.

"OF COURSE! You know I love your family!" I exclaimed taking up his offer.

"What about me," he said scooting closer to me his scent enveloping me in it's warmth

"your deffinantly my favorite," I laughed, a boyish grin played on his lips.

A worker at Roonies pushed a giant sundae toward us and took our empty pizza plates. We both took a spoon and dove in.

I twisted my hips side to side, Jay took my hand and swung me around. Whoosh. We were doing our typical Monday thing. While Eric was at his chess game. Nerd. Our thing which was cooking dinner and dessert at Jays. We were now dancing to twist and shout by the Beatles as we had decide to screw dinner and just have dessert. I giggled as the familiar feeling of dizzyness took over. I nearly hit my hip on the counter but caught myself on it.

"Smooth move Kid," he chuckled pounding the graham crackers to make the crust to our ice cream pie. Graham cracker crust, ice cream and our new favorite candy bar ,take 5, smashed into it, and a nice thick layer of whip cream. Mmmmmmm.

I finished the crust and formed it in the pan , then putting the ice cream in all the while Jay danced to the music. I chuckled as I formed a design with whip cream. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Jay attempt to snatch some whip cream up with his fingers.I slapped his hand.

" if you'd ask i would've shared some," I lectured teasingly.

" Oh yeah?" he questioned raising an eyebrow.

" uh huh," I smiled evily and sprayed Jay with the whip cream. I went into a fit of giggles at his shocked face.

"Its on," he grabbed the other container of whip cream. He suddenly lurched forward pointing his "weapon" at me. I ran like lightning jumping up on his bed. He was close behind his eyes lighting up with comepetitive glow. As he got up on the bed I made a leap for Erics perfectly made one. I landed it perfectly. All those years of hotel bed jumping paid off, unfortunately it seemed Jay wasnt to bad in this area either. I ran to the couch ducking as he sprayed some whip cream. Getting it all over the couch. We chased each other like cat and dog , getting mostly the furniture and ground hardly getting eachother. That is until Jay felt the need to prove his strength , picking me up at the waist and flinging me over his shoulder like I was nearly a sack of potatoes. I banged on his back with my fist and kicked his stomach ( which was rock hard!) all the time laughing. Not to mention spraying a good amount of whip cream on top his head.

"LET ME DOWN," I said through giggles.

"okay," he said dropping me onto the ground right on a pile of whip cream.

I guess the look on my face must've been comical becaus he doubled over holding his stomach. I tripped him while he was vulnerable. There we were covered in whip cream laughing and laying on the ground looking at each other.

Suddenly as the laughter died down , and the whole situation became strangely intimate in a matter of seconds.

"you're beautiful even when your covered in-," suddenly he stopped as if he finally got control of his subconscious and realized what he just said, or almost said. My face grew pink. We just laid searching eachothers faces. "SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS,SPONGEBOB," we both julted up as spongebob came on t.v. I jumped up and went to retrieve our pie from the freezer. He called me beautiful. My bestfriend called me beautiful. I felt like flying. I felt like dancing.

Making sure, that Jay wasn't looking I did a happy jig as I got two spoons. This what we did on mondays watched spongebob our childhood was already sitting on the couch his mouth hung open like a brainwashed little kid. He always use to do that, as if an over sized talking sponge was the most mesmorizing thing in the world.

------HEY! Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. I really had fun with this chapter !

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