Stealing from the devil chp.8 Surprise

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Okay soooooo sorry this is way over due!! I feel terrible, but recently i moved and the computer got dropped and broken, and school crap :/ UHG! 3nough with my personal life! Well now it is summer, so more time to upload!!! Okay done rambling, go on and read (:


To cause to feel wonder, astonishment, or amazement, as at something unanticipated.

This is how the dictionary praises the word. I wouldn't really express my feelings as as " Astonished, wonder, or amazed" though.

I'll explain

Jay nibbles on his lip, he only does this when he's insanely nervous. Not a good sign.

My mind immediately explodes into imagining worse case scenarios.

Our cab broke down!

Our boarding passes disappeared!!

Our planes canceled!!!

Thanksgivings is canceled!!!!

Okay maybe not the last one but still, I made my point I'm nervous.

Jay must have mind ( or expression) reading skills because instantly without me shooting my questions he informs me he has " a little errrrr .... surprise". But his tone of voice leaves me to believe it's not a very good surprise. His little " surprise" follows him through the door into my dorm parading behind her an array of hot pink suitcases.

I had the lowest expectations, and I'm still disappointed.

This surprise also includes dark hair, tanned skin, piercing green eyes, and the i.q. of a squirrel.

Incase your inferring skills are lacking, or you also share the I.q. of a small mammal. Tiana is tagging along on ME and JAY'S ( I dont see any name starting with a "t" in that phrase )

" She's uh coming to meet the 'rents" Jay hastily adds in. For once it does not matter how handsome he is, I'm furious.


At five hours of driving time to the airport, I'm already wishing I was home with my family. Tiana is in overdrive with the talking. Unlike the rest of us she is not willing to accept this is just plain out awkward. She blabbers on and on endlessly filling every lingering silence. I on the other hand stare blankly out the Window with my lips pressed tightly together.

Of course I've been mad at Jay before, we've been friends all our lives. Real friends, with a realistic relationship, and real relationships have theirs ups and downs. I remember when we had just gotten to Willians Feild Boarding School, My mom put me in because it was the best in the whole state of California, it was strict and that was what I needed. Let's just say I've always found trouble .Jays parent signed him up for the same school,they didnt want him to lose one of his only friends, he didn't use to be mr. Popular before we got to highschool, due to the fact that his family was in great poverty.

But they sent him off anyway, even if it meant theyd fall more in debt to pay for a nice school, but they managed, and when it got exceptionally hard this summer, they moved to Texas for a nice paying job, but Jay was happier than ever.

At Williams Feild, a nice face, with an equally nice body,( from doing hours of yard work for extra money for his family) will get you high up on that popular ladder.

Well soon with all his great new friends, I was forgotten. Like an article of clothing gifted to a child on Christmas, they toss the clothing aside and go for the new shiny toys. Me and Jay got into our first real fight, about a month later he made up with me, but somewhere deep in me I'm still hurt.


Let's just say the plane ride is more livable, Tiana has finally collapsed in exhaustion from keeping a one person conversation alive.

"You know," he voiced trailing of," it wasnt my idea," he explains.

I remain silent and sip my complimentary coke.

Jay sighs knowing I am a silent treatment master

" She bought a ticket herself, what was I suppose to do, I can't tell she can't come,"

My continued silence sends the message that I think he could've. And should've.

" you always were a stubborn one," he laughs tickling me under the ribs.

Well shit.

Being my best friend, he knows my weak spots.

I writhe in uncontrollable laughter as a stewardess sends a disapproving glance my way.

Once again jays charm and knowledge have mended Our relationship.


Hey!!!!!!! Well sorry if this chapter is boring, trust me the next one is sooooo much better, it's way good you get to meat the fam!!! :0!!!!!!! Sorry in advance for any spelling errors, (:!!! Happy summer reading folks!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2011 ⏰

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