Stealing from the Devil chp5

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I thought after the party he'd be mine.

But on monday Jay and Tiana came on stronger than they ever were.

Making out on the benches outside our schools starbucks. Which made me engulf more boiling hot coffee than to my liking, burning the taste buds right off my tongue. It didn't feel too great going down my throat either.

What happened to good old P.D.A.?

They were practically unbearable at class, snuggling pressed against each other as if they were both freezing to death and conserving body heat. The worst part was Tiana would throw me these smug looks over Jays broad shoulders. With everyone one of these glances I would send my self the mental image of her with spaghetti all over her head, slowly sliding of her face and falling down her shirt. I would then do an internal victory dance.

Speaking of that day, suddenly everyone knew me. Giving me highfives as I walked down the hallways. Not to mention I'd been asked out at least 6 times just this morning. It was like they were all holding their breathe for someone to give Tiana her own medicine. I don't know what was up with all the attention I was still the same ole Chloe. Chloe who had been going here for years. Chloe who occasionally wore spongebob PJs around. Chloe who was the dean's niece. Chloe with the Long blonde hair. Chloe with large round eyes like the back of a spoon.

The bell rung as everyone hopped up from their seats and dashed to lunch. I still hadn't regained my appetite from the view I got this morning. I collect my books and slung one arm of my back pack around my shoulder. I trudged down the hall like I had 10 pund weight strapped to my feet. A sound a rhythmic set of quick steps made their way to me.

"Chloe!" Jay exclaimed huffing now in stepping in time with me.

" Did you just run a mile?" I asked looking at his red face, that still remained gorgeous.

" Practicly! I've been looking all over for you," he exclaimed as we neared the lunch room," follow me," he continued his sentence steering away from the cafeteria door.

"where we going?"

"Roonies," he smiled like the Cheshire cat. You're probably wondering why anyone would go to get school food if Roonies was available, the thing was Roonies clear on the otherside of the school, I'd often wondered if they planned it that way.

" You don't mind missing math do you?" he asked still smiling ear to ear.

"Hell no!" I exclaimed

" Does Tiana know?"

"No she's probably searching high and low for me," he said nonchalantly. He seemed to not care a little to much, which made me smile. He was skipping out on his girlfriend to take me to our place.

Jay held the door, for me as we entered a deserted Roonies. It was obvious why it was called Williams Fields "Hot Spot". It had a stage where local bands played, pool , arcade games, A lounge area with large love sacks. I'd once told Jay the only thing it was missing was a large ball pit. He'd laugh and that's when the nickname kiddo was given birth to.

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