Stealing from the Devil chp7

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Hey guys! I thought I'd spice things up and write this chapter in Jay's point if view, because I know you want o know what's happening in his head :) -Evee

Chlo fell to the ground, her eyes widened and her face was priceless, whip cream all over her hair. I burst out laughing my sides cringed with pain. She grabbed my leg as I came crashing down into the pile. I must've been just as comical, because Chlo laughed. Just as spontaneously as our fight had started our laughter ended. I realized Chlo was inches from my face her breathe tickled my cheek, the heat from her body radiated on to me. I wanted stay here forever. Her big blue childlike wondering eyes burned into mine. She was beautiful. I looked at her lips and my jaw started to ache with the hunger to kiss her. Without thinking my thoughts flew out of my mouth, " Your beautiful even when your covered in whipcream," shit, shit, shit, shit. My mouth hung opened. Her eyes enlarged and she just stared at me trying to study my face. I don't know if she realized it but we kept getting closer. "SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANt SPONGEBOB SQUARPANTS!" the speakers blasted. Why did I have to set the t.v. to play now? She shot up like an arrow and dashed into the kitchen.

I slowly pulled myself up and plopped on the couch as I thought to the earlier events of today. Mitch had told me it wasnt cheating unless you kiss, Gale had told me it wasn't cheating unless you have sex. Yet I felt guilty just thinking about kissing Chloe. I sighed. What would it be like kissing Chloe? Caressing her plump pink tinted lips. Then I remembered what she said, it's only you Jay, its not like I need to get all dressed up. What was I to her? A bestfriend? A brother? I cringed.

Chloe announced her presence when she started giggling. She jumped on the small couch, and sat criss cross.

"You were like in a trance," she laughed her blonde hair swayed with her as she laughed.

"Earth to Jay-Jay the jet plane," she added, saying the nickname shed given to me when we were five. It was like she had forgotten all about what happened a few minutes ago. She handed me a spoon as she dug right into the middle of the pie, avoiding the crust. I don't know if she even realized it but she wasn't a fan of any kind of crust. I scooped up some and ate it. I on the other hand loved it. I was always finishing her sandwiches, pizza, and in this case pie. She laughed at the t.v., as the door flung open. I peered over to see Eric. I could see his jaw clench as he took in the condition of our dorm. Im surprised he hasn't reached for his inhaler. If there was one person Eric hated more than Tiana it was Chloe, and if there was one person Chloe liked making fun of more than our monotone History teacher it was Eric. When she spotted him her eyes lit up.

"Hey, Eric babe," she said ruffling his gel-ed back hair . She wiped the goop from her hands ,on to his bed.

"Chloe," he growled through clenched teeth. He flashed a disgruntled look my way. Eric was a neat freak, and now he seemed to be hybervenalating.

Chloe frowned," your so stereotypical," she stretch out back on the couch and ate our dessert.

"I should report you," Eric said seriously.

" I'm out," Chloe announced ," I've got enough detention already," she collected her purse and raced out of the room.

"Eric why'd you have to do that,"

"Because she is a disturbance to the state of my room," he announced in big fancy words, "And if I remember correctly, you have a girflfriend," he added straightening out his bed.

Tiana. I sighed. Sometimes I wondered if I even liked her, but I couldn't leave her it was like there was an invisible force keeping me right by her. She had this air about her that you could never leave her. It worked.

Chloe's p.o.v.

"Yes mom! I'm staying out of trouble," I said defensively over the phone.

"really?" she replied questioningly,"because I got a call from my brother," she added referring to my uncle. "She deserved it!" I told my mother. She chuckled. It's not like she needed to punish me further, having to spend an hour with her everyday while cleaning was enough.

"Your too much like me, for your own good,"

"Anyways, I'm going to Jays for thanksgiving,"

"What?!, you didn't tell me about this," she said sternly," We all miss you Chloe,"

"I know, but I already told them I could,"

"You didn't talk through with me, but it's alright you'll have to come right home after thanksgiving,"

"Of course,"

"I got to go honey, I love you,"

"I love you too,"

~Hullo :) I know this one was short and boring but I just really need to get another chapter out, anyways tell me if you like seeing everything through Jays eyes. Should I do it more often? And maybe do other characters like blare? Also I'm starting a new story so look out for that. Anywho comment, vote, fan, and all that good stuff, it really makes my day :)

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