◇something new emerging◇

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"oh, won't you come with me? you'll never need to choose between your life or luxury."

..was it always this cold? no, couldn't be. when was the last time you felt this way? your brain felt foggy, the only thing that seemed to ring in your head was something about majority votes.

what? that's what you were thinking about? you were never much of a politics person, it seemed like your situation is only growing more confusing. it felt like your eyes were open, but darkness was everywhere, enclosing you. the air, it was too cold, a burning feeling sat in your nostrils when you inhaled. was this was dying felt like?

[f/n] [l/n]. that's who you are, right? yeah, yeah that's you. definitely. there was no need to panic, you were sure of that. some sort of small beep interrupted your thoughts, before a robot voice cut in.

"the first trial will now begin. [f/n] and gin. the lights in your trial room are currently turned off. when they turn on, your time limit will begin. you will have a healthy five minutes. one of you is currently restrained on a medical table. there are wires overlapping you, they connect to a bomb under the table. there's a pair of scissors on the floor in front of you, and a code to how to defuse the bomb. if the bomb goes off, both of you will be killed. or, if you'd prefer, which ever of you is free, you can instead search for a key to escape by yourself, leaving the other person to die. please, enjoy this thrill."

your arms, legs, everything was free. whoever gin was, they hadn't spoke, though you were sure you heard some sort of whimper in front of you. just before you could speak, the lights turned on, and your timer started. oh fuck.

whoever the hell did this brought a fucking kid into this. "oh! i- hi! um, don't worry, i promise to get you out of here, and we'll escape together, okay?" he was looking at you, definitely holding back tears. "i gotta get home to mom.." you'd have to kill whoever did this to the poor kid. leaning down, you picked up the scissors. "don't worry! i'm sure i just gotta figure out which wire to cut, i promise we'll get you home."

you spun around, looking for something that could be promising. ah, shit. one of the tiles on the ceiling seemed off. would this just be a set up to waste your time? god, you had to try. but how could you get up there? it was right next to a wall, but there was no way you could climb up with nothing. your hand tightened on the scissors, this seemed like your only option. the blade hit the wall, using as much strength as you could, you moved it around, creating a hole. "w-what are you doing, meow?!"

the boy seemed panicked, and apparently he liked cats. "that tile up there looks off, i'm gonna climb the wall." he stayed quiet after that. you made another hole, then another as high as you could manage. okay, feet and hand grips. for all you knew the walls would completely crash under you, but there wasn't much else you could do. sighing, you placed your foot into the first hole you created, and your hand in the highest. god, it was good you wore shoes.

finally getting the balls to lift yourself, you hadn't fallen. so, you continued, putting your foot in the second hole. it's not like you could go much higher, since you only had one hand grip, but you could reach the ceiling, now. hitting the tile awkwardly, it finally fell. quickly hopping down, the back of the tile had writing. you were down to two and a half minutes. well, the tile didn't really help.

"if there's blue, there's red. if there's white, there's yellow. if there's black, there's green. if there is none, take it away."

wow, inspiring. standing up and walking back over to the table, the boy still seemed like he was going to cry. it seemed like the best idea to find the bomb and observe it, that might be of use. it was under the table, you kneeled down. the bomb seemed pretty advanced, like it was made thirty years in the future. there were two buttons, blue and black. right, if there's blue, there's red. and if there's black, there's green. as you stood back up, sure enough, there was a red and green wire.

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