◇a couples weeks too late◇

564 17 10

"the attention just encourages her."

no matter what question you asked, what threats you yelled, miley stayed laughing. tablets were handed out to all of you, you motioned for gin and kanna to stay close to you so your hands were free. "eheh! does everyone have one now? let's test the functionality! when voting, it's sure to cause a quarrel, rightttttt? these tablet will keep it private and civil! let's test, try voting for whoever you'd like!" without hesitation you picked yourself, instructing the two kids next to you to do the same. in the end, everyone had either one or zero votes. except mishima, who had three.

"my... so this is a voting tablet." miley laughed again. "well, is there anything you'd like to say?" it was obvious, whatever is going to happen shouldn't be happening. "well, if you were a human i suppose i'd say something like 'cease this, if you have a heart!'" the 'doll' laughed. "well, i don't. but more importantly, are you sure you want those words to be your last?" you placed your tablet under your arm, grabbing gin and kanna again. "..what are you doing?" even now, mishima didn't stutter. "it won't explode, will it?" she shook her head, still grinning. "ahaha, no, it won't." nao called out for her professor as miley burst into laughter.

"gah- it- it's hot! ghh, my neck! it burns!" the collar was orange now. mishima screamed out in pain while nao yelled in concern. you kneeled to the floor, pulling the two kids to bury their heads in your shoulders. they shouldn't be seeing this. you held their ears, trying to mute the screaming. the smell of burning flesh filled the air. q-taro was yelling for mishima to take the collar off. nao tried to run towards him, but he found the strength to push her away. he fell to the floor in front of you, and you heard kanna whimpering. "it's okay kanna. focus on me, okay? you too, gin." the art student continued to yell, trying to save someone well past the point of saving.

joe had to stop her from touching the collar.

he was already gone, his movement has slowed. panting, nao's yelling, miley's laughs, and kanna's cries was all you could hear. "bwahah, you wet yourself? how unlady-like!" you squeezed kanna closer to you, knowing it was her being ridiculed. "a-awful... why would you- why would.... e-everyone here is good! we didn't do anything wrong!" you tried to stay calm. "eheh, what a bother you are... a weak, useless, little sister-killer." you could swear kanna stopped breathing for a minute. "i saw everything.. during your first trial. how useless you were. your weaknesses killed your sister. you killed her."

"no. do not fucking speak to her that way." just as she laughed, she was cut off by a hand on her throat. she gasped, her face scrunching. the temptation to crush her neck with your bare hands was almost hard to ignore. "what's wrong? why are you gasping? dolls don't breathe, silly, they don't even have lungs." miley desperately tried to pull your hand off her, but you didn't budge. " you're blowing your cover by the minute, aren't you ashamed?" you let go, watching her stumble back. "you... you won't get away with this. i'll remember this! i'll.. i'll be waiting on the main trial grounds." and with that, she left.

there wasn't much to say. everyone stood silently, trying to process the tragedy they just witnessed. "dammit! she got us! miss [f/n], look at this." you walked over yo where sou was standing, seeing a note on the back of the door. "the second trial-practice round- this is a practice round. the doll's introduction will start the game. the person with the most votes will be executed. since this is a practice round, if there is a tie, the game is a forfeit." everyone freaked out, complaining about the death that could've been avoided. your main focus was nao. she was pleading the professor to wake up, a grief response you recognized well. denial. she shook him weakly, but his neck was quick to snap. that only cause more fear among you all.

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