◇pen drug◇

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"even from a distance i can hear her."

"i feel stupid." keiji decide the best way to bandage your hands was to use the vest pieces to make your hands into yellow fabric nubs. "you look kinda stupid too." side eyeing him, you huffed. "well, it's my own fault anyways. if whoever's behind this was plannin' on keeping me, the least they could've done was brought my meds." you were both sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the fucked up window.

"what happened back there?" you thought for a second, contemplating on what to say. " 'm not about to tell you all my deepest darkest secrets. i think i've had enough of my pity party today. how is everyone? sara doing okay?" keiji sighed. "okay as she can be. she woke up a few minutes ago. gin is worried sick about you." slowly nodding, you stood up. "right, i should let him know that i'm alright." he nodded, standing up alongside you. you reached out to open the door, remembering that your balled up hands could do no such thing. you heard keiji laugh before he opened the door.

"sara, you know the sitch?" the first person you heard was reko, who was standing next to sara. you could also see nao, gin, and alice standing close by. "big sis f/n!" the young boy immediately ran over, engulfing you in a hug. "there you are. what happened to your hands?" reko seemed relieved to see you. "ah, long story. hi, gin, i'm alright. what did i miss?" nao smiled. "we were just explaining everything to sara!" reko nodded. "nothin's happened yet. after that awful main game, everyone's been off resting. everyone has their own room."

"but that bad doll girl's nowhere to be found, woof! should we look for her, meow?" seeing sara's fist clench, you gently put your hand on her back. she looked at you, nodding before taking a deep breath. "let's look around first. we should check if this place is safe first. some trap might already be set into motion.." gently smiling, you nodded. "take it slow, sara. i'll look around with you." she sent you a small smile, grateful. "alright, sitting around's not my style either. let's take caution exploring the area." the five of you began walking around the new floor. first, you found yourselves in some sort of rubble room. q-taro seemed to have gotten there before you. "..! 
f/n, sara! y'all alright now?!"

"q-taro.." sara mumbled. "thank goodness... i knew you was tough, but... y'never know, y'know?" the orange haired girl looked towards the floor. "i'm... not strong at all." you frowned, gently hitting her arm with your balled-up hand. "...'course, yeah. sorry. you really suffered. saying not to sweat it after that's just insensitive. but lemme say this! you've done nothin' wrong! miley's a true piece'a crap doll! don't ever blame yerself, sara!" you heard her sigh. "thank you very much." she mumbled. "no need fer thanks.. i couldn't do nothin'. so kai.. his dying wish... i wanna see it through..!"

"q-taro.." it was keiji this time. "i'm goin' back to searchin'. wanna find clues, whether it's about an exit or about the kidnappers." sara nodded. "i'll.. do my best too." gin held onto your arm. "...that gorilla's... actually a good guy, meow." you were going to pat him on the head, though your bandaged fists made it a bit awkward. "right. good luck, q-taro." he sent you a thumbs up as the five of you began walking to the next room, which seemed to be some sort of relaxation room. reko spotted alice, and you could swear you heard her sigh.  "i'm gonna look over there. come tell me when you wanna go elsewhere." she wandered off to the opposite side of the room.

"you. f/n l/n. there's a courtyard here, don't you think it's odd?" you awkardly looked around, confused as to why he was asking you. "um, i guess. probably not a real one." he hummed. "hmph.. of course it isn't. a fake sky, a fake feeling of freedom... this place is no different from a prison." you supposed that he would be the one to know that. "can we talk for a sec, alice?" keiji offered, but alice turned his head. "i refuse. if you have buisness with me, come when i'm alone, keiji shinogi."

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