◇nothing waits for you◇

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"you had it once before, not anymore."

"come over to the ruined corridor, y'hear?! and don't keep me waitin'!" sighing, you stood, dragging your feet to the ruined corridor. "you're here! nobody saw ya, right?" the apparent secrecy of the situation piqued your interest. "nope. where to?" he gave you a thumbs up before pointing somewhere. "this here passage! the gap in the rubble here. can ya fit through?" sure enough, there was a space where he pointed. you followed him, scooting through the rubble.

there was a large space in the rubble that held an office chair, a blank monitor, and a strange machine. soon, you realized there was another presence. "there you are. try not to alert anyone to this place, just in case. q-taro finally found it." your eye twitched as you looked at keiji, thinking about what he could've found. realizing, your head snapped back to q-taro. "you found the laptop?" sure enough, the baseball player pulled out the laptop from behind some of the rubble. "f/n, keiji, i called ya over so you could break into this laptop! i can't use a computer fer beans."


keiji laughed. "investigate what's on it? let's give it a shot, f/n." you blinked at him before turning back to the hole in the rubble. "i'd get sara. the password was her name, after all." q-taro quickly stopped you. "yer not gonna help?!" shrugging, you slipped through the crack in the rubble. "not much i can do. like i said, get sara."

returning to the lobby, you found gin, nao, and kanna. kanna was by herself. "you're by yourself." you commented. "sou doesn't seem to feel well, so he's sleeping. and... it seems alice is keeping an eye on him.." you blinked at her, thinking. "kanna, is there something you'd like to tell me?" she smiled. "you're very smart... i found something curious while exploring.. it was over toward the ruined corridor.. f/n, i'd like you to come with me." you returned her smile. "lead the way, kid." she took you to the ruined corridor, guiding you through a hidden passage in the back.

"here it is, this door right here." you hummed, opening the door and entering. you observed the room, staring at the two medical tables. there was some sort of keypad on the wall. under one of the tables was a cellphone. you couldn't explain it, but there was something sinister about the room you stood in. it smelled of hydrogen peroxide. "wait outside, kanna." you heard her murmur something as you kneeled to the ground, picking up the phone. there was no passcode, so it unlocked easily. inside was a message;

you abandoned me, you awful sister. i hate you, go die. just die, kanna, murderer. i'll curse you from hell.

quickly, you turned, realizing someone was coming. someone who wasn't kanna. you stood silent for a minute, contemplating who it was. you put the phone in your pocket, turning to the door. "sou? alice?" you asked. "aha, yeah, it's us. i came to call for you, kanna." you heard alice scoff. "quite the dark passage that was. "kanna, stay out there." you requested- well, insisted. they spoke about something, but your mind wandered to the phone in your pocket. "huh? aren't you leaving, miss f/n?" humming, you nodded. "might as well." before you could leave, he stood in front of you. "miss f/n, is there a reason you wouldn't let kanna come in here?"

"of course. we can't talk about it right now. i'll show you later." you walked around him, leaving the ruined corridor completely. you returned to the lobby, where gin and nao still sat. gin was trying coffee. "big sis f/n! do you like coffee?" you shrugged. "sometimes. i'm guessing you don't?" he quickly shook his head. grinning, you sat down. "how are you doing, f/n?" nao asked, a small smile on her face. "i'm okay. probably going to do some more attractions." gin stood up. "i'll come!" you smiled, chuckling. "sure, gin. i can count on you to keep me safe, yeah?" he nodded, excited. "well, let's go. see you later, nao."

after clearing an attraction, gin went to his room to take a nap. you found your way back to the lobby, where reko, q-taro, and nao stood. q-taro was the first to call out to you.
"f/n, ya got some time? wanna have a chat without tradin' for once?" slightly intrigued, you nodded. "whoa, i'm glad ta hear it! awright, siddown! you gettin' enough rest?" nodding again, he smiled. "if you say so. ya wouldn't put somebody who's got a look like yer's on the mound."

"i've never played baseball, but i did play softball for a year or two in grade school." that seemed to get him more pumped up. "f'real?! i wouldn't've guessed that. i started playin' baseball at the orphanage where i grew up." you nodded, a small smile. "i had a sister who was adopted." he stared at you for a second confused. "..had?" you blinked, realizing your poor choice of wording. "right. passed away a few years ago, so.. she was a good kid." he frowned. "sorry for your loss, then." realizing the conversation had gone downhill, you awkwardly coughed. "i, uh, i gotta go do something. it was nice talking to you, q-taro." before he could respond, you stood.

where could he be? i don't know which room is his..

sighing, you just went back to your room. closing the door, you sat down on the bed, pulling the phone out of your pocket. you kept reading the message, over and over again. your mind wandered to your own sister, trying to remember what happened before you left. had you told her you were going to get help? why didn't you take her, or let her go instead? you felt your heart skip a beat, a sudden sickness settling in your stomach. you felt like you were going to vomit. did she die with such a resentment towards you? a knock on your door slipped you out of your thoughts. sliding the phone under your pillow, you answered it.

"ah, miss f/n. i was beginning to think you wouldn't answer. i almost thought you weren't in here." you moved out of the doorway, inviting him in. "sorry, i was a little... focused. i'm assuming you came to talk about the room kanna showed me?" he gave you a smile, one that was clearly forced. "am i that predictable?" you shrugged, gently smiling. "getting there, yeah. look under the pillow." he hesitated, but did as you said. picking up the cell phone, he unlocked it. you watched as his eyes slightly widened when he read the message. "found it with that message on it. i doubt her sister was the one to write it, but i obviously couldn't let kanna see it, so i pocketed it. figured i'd just step on it or something."

"so why haven't you?" you blinked at him, and then it hit you. "you think i wrote it, don't you?" he smiled again. "i do." part of you wanted to slap him for even thinking that. another part of you understood. you returned his smile with a sad one. "i've been in a similar situation as kanna. very similar." you sat down, staring at the floor. "that's why i got into my profession. i didn't want any child to ever have to feel the way i felt. the way i still feel. i've worked with victims a few times, specifically children. from that i've realized that sibling bonds are easy to recognize. you could even see it in alice and reko if you looked close enough." sighing, you finally looked at him. "i'm sorry, sou." he blinked at you, confused. "i didn't write that message. you may think i'm cruel... and maybe i am, but i'm not that evil. but still, i'm sorry."

"what are you sorry for then?"

"i know what it feels like protecting a little sister."

"i shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him." booker t. washington

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