◇fight to survive◇

563 18 19

"i am the observer, i'm the witness of life."

warnings, this chapter contains- manic episodes/panic attacks, and attempting to harm yourself during manic episodes.

the conversation with sou went no where else. you now found yourself in the game room, studying a giant hole in front of a dart board. as someone who works in forensics, your hearing is sharp. the faint wind blowing from a ceiling tile above, the talking in the room with a blue door. without even saying anything, you got up to see what was going on in there. "[f/n]?" sara and sou both blindly followed you. it was almost shocking the way you carried yourself, even in a situation like this you opened any door you pleased. talking to anyone you wanted to. almost like you felt no fear, sara was envious.

[f/n] paid no mind to what her supposed partners were doing, not caring to listen to the people they spoke to. maybe it was smarter to collect everyone's thoughts, but that wasn't your priority. the strange figures in the chairs didn't bother you, you always thought mannequins were quite funny. seat after seat, not much was found. until, something dark caught your eye between a doll snd chair. "miss [f/n]? did you find something?" sou and sara stood behind you, apparently they had finished talking to everyone. you turned, gun in hand. you spun it carelessly around your fingers, moving to show keiji. he was a cop, after all.

everyone seemed quite suspicious of him, but you didn't care that much. "what are you going to do with that, miss [f/n]?" him and the red haired girl seemed surprised by the sight of a weapon. "nothin'. couldn't do anything if i wanted to, it's not loaded." sara stiffened up once again, just like in the bar. "say.. would you give me that?" it almost seemed like a hypothetical question, was this him testing your trust for him again? strange. "sure." you tossed the gun to him without a second thought, grinning as he struggled to catch it. "..aren't you scared to give a weapon like this to a complete stranger? what if i knew where bullets were?" it appeared as though you were right, he was quite an interesting person. "i'm glad to know you trust me, tho-"

"sara, give me the bullets." you cut sou off, and they both seemed quite surprised to hear you say such a thing. "w-what?" you had caught her in a lie, and she was scared as to how you'd react. how did you know? why did you wait until now to say anything? she hadn't planned to lie, but she felt guilty throwing sou under the bus. why did he lie in the first place? "the bullets that you lied to me about. i know ya' got em, don't look so worried. i'm not mad." slowly, the girl reached into her pocket and dropped the three bullets into your hand. her head hung, ashamed she had lied about something so important, so dangerous. "put your head back up, don't simmer in your self pity or whatever. do you feel bad that you lied, or do you feel bad you got caught? you didn't seem too distressed until now."

she wasn't sure what to say. "calm down, kid. i'm not mad at you, jus' curious. we'll forget about it, 'kay? nothing to dwell on." turning back to sou, you dropped the bullets into his hand. he seemed taken aback, so did sara. "told me not to trust you, right? do what you want." sou didn't like you. you saw right through him, you knew he wasn't sou. he was nothing more than a coward, and you knew that. "it's not cause i trust you, i don't distrust you either. i'm jus' not scared of you. gave you an opportunity to shoot me and you didn't even load the gun." he stood looking at you, dumbfounded. "you're very smart, miss [f/n]. i hope you'll trust me not to hurt you, then."

what was his obsession with trust? he handed you back the gun and bullets, which was a bit strange. you'd think sou wouldn't want you to have them, but he made no attempt to give them to sara or anyone else. "i'm gonna go keep searching, come and find me if you need something."
"f/n. if there's a gun to your head, what'll you do?"

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