Rain is Niall Horan's sister. Harry is Niall's best friend. Rain is only a year younger than Niall (and Harry) and Harry finds himself falling for his mate's little sis.
I didn't even realize how tight I was gripping the steering wheel until she reached over and put her hand on my arm. My tense arm.
"Hey" she sighed, "I was kidding about the date"
I couldn't help it- my whole body just melted
"I'm doing some research on poetry, though.. You could stay around and-"
"I can't, Rain"
"Why?" she asked, getting frustrated and taking her hand off my arm
"Cuz. Your brother will hate me."
"We're hanging out. That's all. I promise." she groaned, annoyed at my 'obsession' with her brother
can't she understand bro-code??
"Just.. promise you won't try anything?" I asked quietly as I put the car in park at the library..
"Me? Oh, Styles.. I'm the irresistible one. You need to control yourself." she dropped her tone and smirked at me before getting out of the car
She had on this skirt.. and a sweater.. and fuck, those converses..
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her hair was up, nails painted, and just a little makeup on.
She looked so natural
So pretty
Very sexy- especially in that skirt.
Her thighs-
i've gotta stop this
* * **
I looked at the clock and found that we'd been sitting in the Library since 11:40. and now it was 2:30.. we'd been here for 3 hours and 10 minutes..
"Hey, are you hungy?" I asked quietly
I'd been staring at her while flipping simultaneously though a poetry book, not actually reading a single word in the book..
"Kind of.. Is that a pick up line, though?"
"Is- uh, what?"
"am I hungry- as in do I wanna eat.. or am I hungry- as in do I want your dick in my mouth?"
"If you're hungry, lets eat, babe.. but if you're in the mood for somethine else, we can-" I started to flirt but shut up immediately when I locked eyes with the librarian