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I woke up laying half on Liam and half on Niall. Both my shoes were gone. Like.. gone. I didn't see them anywhere around us. Liam was shirtless. Niall had underwear on the outside of his jeans. Oh.. and Niall had a dick drawn on his neck, below his ear.


What a party.

I sat up and pulled my leg from Niall's terminator grip then stood and looked around for my phone. I found it on the couch and checked the time. 

Alright 11:30. Great.

around us were a few more passed out people. 1 completely naked guy was on the couch, someone was laying behind the couch- I could see their leg, two people were asleep in the kitchen floor, no one was in the hall, and I was sure someone was in the hall closet because I could hear them snoring.. Then I went to go pee and found two people sleeping in the bath tub.

I walked back into the living room and found my shoes on the shelf above the TV.. . yeah, I don't remember that at all but okay. I slipped them on the crouched down by Niall to wake him.

"Mate. Lad. Niall!" 

He woke and coughed a couple times.. then sat up and rubbed his eyes like a tired kid

"Gotta clear out the house, man.. there's tons of people passed out" I told him

"I'll wake Liam" he sighed

I nodded and headed upstairs.. In that hallway, there were two passed out guys, tangled up in each other. In Niall's room, there was no one.. surprisingly. In the guest room, I found Zayn kissing someone.. and there were a couple girls in the floor but as soon as he noticed me, he covered their face with the sheet.

"What the hell?" I asked, confused

"Get out, H." he laughed

I shut the door and looked into Rain's room.. and I found her cuddling someone. And she only had on booty shorts and a bra.

I immediately grabbed her arm and shook. I was mad. Why? Maybe I really like her. bbut shut up

She sat up quickly and the person in bed with her did too.. and it was Stan

"What the hell?" she said

"Niall's coming up soon. Didn't want him finding you in bed with someone else"

"Stan's got a girlfriend. and he's my best friend.. but okay. Whatever. Thank you, Harry"

I nodded and trudged back out into the hallway.. My anger melted away upon knowing he meant  nothing to her.. then I gently nudged the guys in the hallway with my shoe to wake them up.

This is gonna be a long day...

Secret Lovers ~Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now