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A couple weeks have passed since the party

Harry and I text all the time.. Mostly just how we've been, and when he can come pick me up again

We meet up a lot, just to have make out sessions or do little stuff together, like sit in the library or grab food. 

It's like we're dating.. kinda? 

I thought I seen a hickey on his neck.. so I wonder if he's seeing other people.. 

He's on his way right now to pick me up. We're going to the mall, because I've got some cash and want to go shopping.

Niall's inside, so I'm standing on the side walk, a couple houses down, just waiting for Harry..

I see the car coming down the road and I smile. Then it pulls over and I run around to the other side and hop in. 

and.. there's a hickey on his neck. Another one? should I say something about it?

"Hey," he smiled

"hey, Harry" I smiled back.

He put the car back in drive and started driving towards the mall

"So.. what've you been up to?" I asked as casually as I could

"Went to a couple parties with Liam.. also, walked in on Louis and Zayn making out.." 

"Oh, fun" 

"Yeah. Zayn really likes that kid, though.. I've never seen Zayn so whipped"

I nodded and reached over to play with the radio. A song by Ed Sheeran came on and I turned it up a little.

"Ed Sheeran...?" Harry asked slowly

"Yeah, he's got a real nice voice" I shrugged

He raised his eyebrows and just drove.

I frowned and turned the music back down.

"Is something wrong?"

"No?" he answered but he sounded unsure

I just gave up since we were about to pull into the mall parking lot..

We stopped and I was first to get out. I heard his car door shut a few seconds after I started walking towards the big front doors.. and eventually, he caught up to me

"You walk fast"

I shrugged, "oops"

He grabbed my hand and stopped me from walking.

"What's going on with you, Rain?" he asked softly

"Who made the hickey on your neck?"

"Why does it matter?" he asked 

"What an asshole" I muttered as I ripped my hand from his grip and turned back towards the mall to keep walking

"Rain! Jesus, stop!" 

He grabbed my arm again and I spun around and slapped him hard

"Fuck you, Harry! Go sleep with the whore that sucked on your neck last night" 

"Rain!" he called after me but I kept going

Secret Lovers ~Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now