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After the day at the tattoo shop, I kept finding myself hanging out with Little Miss Horan..

I'd pick her up from the library- or go with her to the library.

We'd get coffee or tea or lunch or icecream

I even went to the park with her, just so we could go on the swingsets..

and now.. I find myself pressed between her and the wall of the back room in my work, with her lips on my neck, and my hands on her hips

"Holy fuck, Rain" I muttered as she bit for the 3rd or 4th time

"do something about it" she mumbled against my neck as she made another hickey

So I tightened my grip on her sides and spun us so she was against the brick

"Hi there" I smirked. She had her hair in braids and the prettiest dress on her small body.

 She had her hair in braids and the prettiest dress on her small body

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"Kiss me?" she asked

yeah, no.. not happening

This was the first time anything had happened between us.. and it's because she got me against the wall and I let her go at my neck.. and now here we were, with my body pressed against hers, my hard-on so obvious against her inner thigh, and she wanted me to kiss her

"No can do, love.. I've gotta get back to work" I teased

She rolled her eyes and slid one hand down my unbuttoned shirt, down to my trousers, and started to palm me

"Gonna go back there with blue balls?" she asked as she tilted her head to the side and raised her eyebrows

I tried to speak, but she was still practically jacking me off and my breathing was starting to get heavy

"Fuck, Rain, we.." I started to tell her to stop or that we couldn't happen.. but she pushed me back and got on her knees

"Zayn could walk in" I protested quietly

"Either tell me to leave or shut the fuck up and let this happen" she rolled her eyes and looked up at me

"Do you want this or not, Harry?"

"I want this" I said with full confidence

"Then let it happen. Stop worrying about my brother"

So I shut up. I stopped worrying. And I let her suck me off in the back of the tattoo shop...

When I was done, she swallowed and stood infront of me while I fixed my jeans and buttoned them..

"Stay the night with Niall this weekened. I want something in return for this" she said as she wiped her finger along her bottom lip

"Okay" I smiled and she blew me a kiss before walking out the back door 

"wow" I whispered to myself

Secret Lovers ~Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now