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As Liam, Niall, and I sat around the table playing childish board games, my phone dinged. I ignored it since I was busy.. but it went off 4 more times after that.

"Who's texting? Jesus, they're kinda annoying" Niall muttered as he moved his pawn 4 spaces

"I don't know.. Might be El or Lou.." I said as I got my phone out

*5 messages from "Hazza"* 

I frowned and tucked my phone back into my sweats pocket.

"Is everything okay?" Liam asked carefully

I nodded and rolled the dice. "Yup.. Now, I'm about to win!" 

I took my turn, bought a house to put on my land, then Liam rolled the dice..

"Jail?! AGAIN?!" he shouted

Niall and I laughed loudly..

The game went on for 10 more minutes.. Then I won. I cheered and jumped up and down. Liam groaned and put his face on the table. My brother picked me up and spun me before tossing me onto the sofa. I screamed and laughed and rolled off into the floor

"Hey, you're phone dinged again" Liam shouted from the kitchen

I rolled my eyes and pushed myself off the ground.

I grabbed it from my chair and seen it was Harry again

I rolled my eyes and turned it off, hoping to ignore him again, but it immediately went off 3 more times.

"That's like 10 messages now, damn" Niall said from the living room where he was building a fort

"Actually 9" Liam corrected him sassily

I finally opened the messages and stared at my phone..

Secret Lovers ~Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now