Work||Chapter Three

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Steve pulled into the parking lot and turned off his car. He climbed out and walk towards the Family Video. He unlocked the door with his key and opened it holding it for Eddie and Robin. He followed them inside letting the door shut.

"So you and Robin work in this hell hole." "Yea it's boring though no one ever comes in." Steve looks at Robin. He nods his head in agreement. "Well it must suck. But hey today you've got me to keep you company." Steve smiled and returned to making sure the vhs tapes sent back had been rewind. "So Harrington." Steve turned around to look at Eddie. "What are you doing later?" Steve must have looked very confused because Eddie just looked at him before saying, "cause I figured if you're not busy maybe me, you, and Robin can all hangout."

Steve thought for a minute. "Uh no I think I'm free. But what would we even do?" "We could watch a movie or something." "Alright. Sure Munson." "Great I'll tell Robin." "Wait." "What up?" "Never mind it was stupid anyways." "No what is it spill it Harrington." "Well I was gonna say maybe it could just be us two but that's dumb sorry just go tell Robin." "Actually I like that idea more. I just won't tell her." Eddie walked away and went to go look for a movie him and Steve could watch later. As he looked he thought back to the day before and picked out the first scary movie he could find.

When work was finally over Steve was beat. He wanted nothing more than to go home. "Hey I still need a ride dumbass." Steve looked up to see Robin standing there as him and Eddie got in the car. "Well come on then." Robin walked over and climbed into the back seat. "Alright all buckled up back there?" Eddie began to laugh joined by Robin. "Sorry used to driving the kids." Eddie didn't stop laughing and soon Steve joined in. They dropped Robin off at her house and drove back to Steve's. "So Harrington I have picked us the perfect movie." Steve froze. He looked over at Eddie. Eddie just smiled. "Don't worry Steve I'll be there to protect you." Steve gulped and drove the rest of the way home. This was gonna be a long night. Longer then he expected.

A/N Hey guys sorry this chapter is shorter then the other two but I wanted the next chapter to be it's own cause i felt it needed it's own chapter anyways LOVE YOU ALL!! THANK YOU FOR THE READS!!! Remover to sleep eat and drink water!! love you all byeeeee!
word count:454

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