Eddie's Trailer 2.0||Chapter Six

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       "Can I come in?"  "Yea sure."  Eddie shut the door behind Steve. "So uh what do you wanna do man?"  Steve thought for a minute. "You wanna get high?"  Eddie stopped for a second. King Steve wanted to get high, with him? Not many things Steve said surprised Eddie anymore but getting high? That's a shock for sure. "Uh yea I guess." Eddie went to his room and grabbed weed. He came back out to see Harrington sitting on the couch. He rolled one blunt and lit it. He took a puff and passed it over to Steve. Steve took a long puff and passed it back. This continued until the blunt was gone. Steve being a light weight was alright high but Eddie wasn't really but decided it was better to not roll another.

       Steve looked disappointed. "Hey man roll another come on." "Steve you're already high you don't need more."  "Come on Ed. Don't be a loser." He said dragging out the r. Eddie looked at Steve. Steve was pouting looking at Eddie. He then leaned in close to Eddie's face. "Come on." He whispered. Eddies face turned red. "If you roll another you might just get a kiss." Eddie's face went more red. He looked at Steve shocked but knew he didn't even know what he was saying he was high. He sighed and rolled another blunt.

        This time at the end of the blunt Eddie was a little high and Steve was completely gone. He turned to Steve. "Come on lets go to my room."  "Ok." Steve followed him back to his room. They sat down on the bed facing each other. Steve stared at Eddie. "You've got a lovely face Munson."  Eddie blushed slightly. "Well you've got lovely hair Harrington."  They both laughed. "Hey what's that?"  "Oh eyeliner."  "I want some."  "Ok." Eddie picked up the eyeliner pencil. "Move closer idiot."

       Steve moved closer to Eddie crossing his legs. Eddie sat in front of him with his legs also crossed. He took the pencil and ran it under Steve's eye. Steve closed his eyes and let Eddie do it. "Done." Steve opened his eyes. "Ok I'll go look at it." He got up from the bed and walked over to the mirror. "Wow looks great. Also this is a cool guitar."  "Thanks man wanna hear a song." "Yea sure."  Eddie picked up the guitar and started playing 505 by Arctic Monkeys. Steve knew the song. It was actually one of his favorites.

      As Eddie played Steve started singing. "I'm going back to 505. Wether it's a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive." Eddie kept playing. Steve had a good voice. He wondered why he didn't sing more. After he finished the song he set it down and walked back over to Steve. He laid down on the bed and Steve laid next to him. Steve turned to look at Eddie. "You know I really like you Munson."  Eddie didn't say anything he just turned towards Steve. He looked sad. He knew Steve didn't even know what he was saying. At this point Eddie wasn't high anymore. The weed didn't last as long cause he didn't do as much as Steve did. Steve on the other hand was still extremely high.

       Eddie turned back on his back and closed his eyes. "What are you doing?" Steve asked speech still slurred. "Going to bed it's like 11:30." "Awww why?"  "Cause I'm tired. Besides I think some sleep would do you some good Harrington."  Eddie took his shirt off and climbed back into bed. Steve watched him. Man did he have a crush on Eddie everything about him was just so... attractive. Steve moved closer to Eddie laying his head on his chest and holding his hand as Eddie had done the night before. "What are you doing Harrington." He knew Steve wasn't aware of what he was doing and didn't want him to do something he didn't want to do.  "Shhhh I'm tired." Steve quickly fell asleep. Soon after Eddie did too.

     Once again the next morning Steve awoke to an empty bed. He walked out into the kitchen to find a shirtless Eddie making breakfast. "Good morning." Steve didn't respond he was speechless. He just stared at Eddie. He had a- "Hey Harrington you good man?" Steve nodded his head yes. "Alright."  "Man my head hurts."  "Yea usually does after being high."  Eddie chuckled. Steve stopped he forgot about that. "I uh didn't say anything weird did I?"  "No unless saying you really like me is weird. Oh and that I have a nice face."  Steve froze. He turned bright red. "I just remembered I uh gotta go."  He slipped his shoes on and walked out the door. "Hey man wai-" He was out the door before Eddie could finish his sentence. He got in his car making sure he had everything. He drove away.

    There was a knocking on the door. "Who's here?" Robin wandered down the stairs. She opened the door to red eyed Steve who was still crying. "Woah Steve what happened? Are you ok?"  He didn't say anything. He just threw his arms around Robin and cried into her shoulder. "Ok ok come in and tell me what happened." She shut the door. Steve sat down with Robin. He told her everything. About how he got high and said he really likes Eddie. She listened to her friend and comforted him. "I just don't understand one thing. Why did you even leave? Why didn't you tell him the truth?" "It's not that I didn't want to cause trust me I did. I was just so scared and nervous and I didn't know how he would react." Robin thought for a second. "How about this, you take the rest of the weekend to calm down and hangout with other friends and try to talk to Eddie about it on Monday?" "Yea I can do that."

A/N Hey guys!! thank you so much for all the reads so far! I'm super excited you all like it so much!! It means a lot!! Remember to Eat sleep and drink some water!! Have a great day/Night!! Love you all!! Byeeee!
Word count:1042

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