The double date||Chapter Ten

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(The next week)

     Steve woke up to a call from Robin. He answered the phone. "Robin? Why are you calling it's so early."  "To remind you today is the double date! Ok anyways we're going bowling at 6 pm see ya there! Bye!"  With that she hung up. Steve looked at the time. 9:30 am. No way Eddie was awake. He got out of bed and went downstairs. He made breakfast and ate it. Man. It really was quite without Eddie. He went back upstairs and took a shower. He got out and threw on a random hoodie and sweatpants. Obviously not what he was gonna wear on the date but it was to early to get dressed. He texted Eddie.

<                Pretty Boy❤️

Hey! Are you up?

    He got a reply within seconds.

Of Course! What's up?

We're supposed to go on the
double date remember?

Yeah of course I do silly 🤪

Steve laughed at Eddie's reply.

Wanna come over
to get ready?

Miss me already?

Yea maybe

Alright on my way now ❤️


    Steve shut off his phone and walked downstairs. It was now 11. He waited for Eddie. He heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. He opened the door to see Eddie. He hugged him and gave him a kiss. Eddie pulled away.  "Wow missed me that much."  "It's just weird not being with you. We spent so much time together the past two weeks."  Eddie laughed at how needy Steve was. They went upstairs to Steve's room and turned on a movie. They decided to watch My Girl. Eddie started crying when the little boy died and then recited his favorite line crying. "Where are his glasses? He needs his glasses. Give him his glasses."  Steve hugged his crying boyfriend. "How do you still cry we've seen this movie like a million times."  Steve chuckled. "I'm an emotional person, ok."  He stuck his tongue out and Steve kissed him. Eddie pushed Steve back into the bed deepening the kiss. They both pulled away after what felt like forever to breathe before crashing their lips back together. Steve took a quick glance at the time. 3:30.

      He pulled away. "Eddie we gotta get ready," he said outta breathe. Eddie looked at the clock. "We've got time." Eddie continued kissing Steve and pulled away and started to kiss down Steve's neck. "Eddie really you gotta take a shower babe."  Eddie got up. He pouted at Steve. Steve gave him one last kiss before sending him off to shower.  He laid on the bed and waited for Eddie. Eddie walked out of the bathroom with just a towel on. Steve turned bright red and covered his eyes. "You alright there Harrington?"  Steve nodded his head but didn't uncover his eyes. Eddie laughed and walked into the bathroom to get dressed. When he walked out he went to pick something for Steve. "Here."  He threw some clothes at Steve. Steve got up and put the outfit on. It was a button down shirt with a crew neck on top and some light washed jeans. He added a bracelet and a few rings not as many as Eddie but a few.

      He walked out of the bathroom and went over to his closet. He grabbed the never worn vans and slipped them on. Eddie came upstairs to check on Steve and was shocked. "Looking hot like always."  "Thank you. And you my dear look very cute." Eddie smiled and blushed. He loved when Steve complimented him. Steve looked at the time 5:15. "We should probably go."  "One more thing." Eddie grabbed Steve's face and kissed him one more time before leaving. They walked downstairs and Steve grabbed his car keys. He walked out the door and held it for Eddie. "After you princess."  Eddie giggled and walked to the car. Steve locked the house door and walked over to his car unlocking the doors. They got in and drove to the bowling alley. It wasn't super far but Steve didn't want to be late.

       They got there at 5:50 and waited for Nancy and Robin. They got there a few minutes later and the couples walked into the bowling alley. Steve holding Eddie's hand and Robin holding Nancy's. They got their bowling shoes and went over to their lane. To no one's surprise Steve won. He was extremely good at bowling. "Not fair." Eddie complained.

      "What's not fair?"  "The fact that you always win. How are you so good?"  "I have my ways." Steve walked away to get a soda. He came back and set it on the table Eddie quickly grabbed it and took a sip. "Hey that's mine."  "Ok?"  Steve looked at Eddie. "So give it back." "Mmm no."  "Alright I'll have to take it then." Steve grabbed Eddie's chin and kissed him. Eddie kissed back. Robin turned to ask them if they wanted to play another game.  "Hey face suckers wanna play a round two?"  Steve just gave Robin a thumbs up and continued to kiss Eddie. They pulled away. "Thanks for my Root beer back." Eddie smiled and Steve set his drink on the table and sat next to him.

      It was Robin's turn and before she went up Nancy gave her a peck on her lips to distract her. Everyone else laughed but Robin completely messed up her turn. "Not fair! That's cheating!"  She complained. Nancy giggled. She got up and took her turn.

       They finished the second game and surprise surprise Steve won again. Nancy and Robin went back to Nancy's car after saying goodbye to the boys. "So where will you be sleeping tonight my princess, my house or yours?"  "Mmmm yours." Steve smiled and opened the door for Eddie. Eddie climbed in and Steve shut the door. He walked around and got in. He started the car and drove home. The whole way home he couldn't stop thinking. He knew he had to do it. They got back to Steve's house and walked inside.

    Eddie went to go upstairs but Steve gently grabbed his arm. "Uh hey I wanted to ask you something."  "What's up?"  "I know we haven't been together long and I know this might be too soon but I wanted to ask you cause when you're not here it's so weird. So uh Eddie do you wanna move in with me? You don't have to if you really don't want to-"  "Steve!"  Steve stopped talking and looked at Eddie. "Yes. I wanna move in."  Steve smiled and hugged Eddie. He was so happy. He gave him a quick kiss and the headed up stairs for bed Eddie right behind him.

     Turns out Harrington isn't that bad. And that Eddie just lost 50 dollars to Dustin. He thought back to what he said to Dustin a few months before, "I'm not gonna fall in love with Steve he's a douche!"  "I'll bet you 50 dollars you do."  "Deal."  The second he saw Steve he knew he lost. He shook his head and chuckled. Damn you Harrington.

A/N-Thank you guys so much for reading this story!! I really hope you enjoyed it!! I really enjoyed writing it and I'm happy with how it came out!! I hope you all have and amazing night/day! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH THANK YOU!! Remember to eat sleep drink some water! You are appreciated and loved! BYEEEEE!
Word count:1245

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