The Art of ignoring Eddie||Chapter Seven

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Steve could in fact not do that. Monday rolled around and he couldn't face Eddie. He just couldn't do it. So he did the thing Steve does best. Ignored Eddie Munson. In class he sat in a different seat. In the hallways he walked with earbuds in. After school he just left. He didn't even wait for Robin. He did everything he could. He didn't answer his text or calls. He didn't only ignore Eddie but he ghosted him. And he felt terrible about it. But having to tell Eddie the truth just wasn't an option. Steve decided to turn to his last resort. Robin.

       Steve drove over to Robins house. For the second time this week he found himself knocking on the door with bloodshot eyes. Robin opened the door very confused. "Can I come in? Please Robin I need help."  "Steve I would love to help but I uh have someone over."  Another voice came from the other room. "Robin who's here?"  Steve heard the voice and knew who it was instantly. "Is that- Nancy?!?"  "Uh yea I was gonna tell you but uh we're kinda dating."  "WHAT!?!? Since when? Why didn't you tell me? Omg Robin this is so exciting!!" "Robin who is it." Nancy appeared at the door next to Robin. "Oh hi Steve.Are you ok? You don't look so good." "Hey. Also  um no. Not really. Because like I was saying Robin I really need you're help. I've fucked up royally this time."  "Fine come in."

      Steve sat down on the couch. Nancy and Robin sat across from him on the edge of the coffee table. "What's happened?"  "I don't. I don't even know." Steve started crying again. "Robin I've messed up so bad this time. He'll never forgive me. Like ever. And the worst part is I didn't even mean to do it. And I feel awful."  "Woah Steve what the fuck happened."  "I didn't mean to I swear."  Steve started sobbing he just couldn't stop crying. He felt so bad and he knew he was hurting Eddie and the more he thought about it the more he cried. "Steve what happened? What did you do?"  "Please just tell Eddie I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt him."  "Steve you're scaring me what happened?"  Robin looked at Nancy. Both very concerned and very upset. They felt awful watching their friend break down.

       "I- I didn't mean to ignore him."  "What?"  Steve told them everything about how the whole week and about ignoring Eddie because he couldn't face dealing with his feelings. How it made him feel awful. How it made him feel like shit. How much he hated hurting Eddie.  "Steve. You have to tell him. It's gonna kill you if you don't."  "Yea Steve we hate seeing you like this. It's awful."  "I know. I know but I just can't tell him."  "Why not!?"  Robin was getting mad at her friend now. Why wouldn't he just tell Eddie if it was hurting him so much.

    This made Steve angry. She just doesn't understand. He lost it. "BECAUSE ROBIN I CAN'T JUST WALK UP TO HIM AND SAY OH YEAH BY THE WAY LAST WEEKEND WHEN WE WERE HIGH AND I SAID I LIKED YOU I WASN'T LYING! I LOVE YOU EDDIE! HMMM ROBIN IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT ME TO SAY!?!?" Robin looked shocked. She didn't know what to say. "Y-you love him?"  Steve froze. He hadn't realized he said that out loud. His face flushed a bright red. "W-what n-no totally totally not." "You can't even deny it without stuttering! YOU LOVE EDDIE!! OH MY GOSH STEVE YOU LOVE EDDIE!!" "Ok well now you really have to tell him." "What Nancy you're on her side?"  "Well yea of course she's gonna pick her girlfriend over you. Also why wouldn't you tell him."  "Ugh not fair and besides I can't tell him. I don't even know what I would say."

    "Steve if I can offer you any advice it would be to just tell him how you really feel. Please for the sake of us and you AND Eddie. I mean look at you. You look like you've gotten no sleep, like you haven't ate in days and you're eyes are bloodshot and you're sitting here crying. I mean come on Steve you look miserable without him. It's killing you inside to not tell him. You've got to."

     Steve sat there for a minute thinking. Robin was right. He hadn't eaten since Saturday and he hasn't slept much either. He really was miserable without him. Steve then decided to do the thing that he hoped would soon be the thing he did best. Tell Eddie he loves him. It was what he had to do. Not for anyone else but himself. Because he King Steve, Steven Harrington, he loved Eddie Munson.

A/N Hey guys!! I'm really glad you're all enjoying the story so much!! It makes me really happy that you guys enjoy reading it!! Thank you so much for the love and support!! Have a wonderful day/night. Love you all!!! BYEEEEE!!
Word count:857

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