Steve's house/Work||Chapter five

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The next morning Steve woke up and Eddie was no longer there. He wandered down the stairs to find Eddie sitting on the couch watching tv. Steve walked over and sat down next to him. Laying his head on his shoulder. "Good morning sleepyhead." "Mornin'. What time is it?" "11:00." "Shit." Steve jumped up and walked back upstairs. "What the hell." He grabbed his phone and quickly got changed. He came back down and slipped on his shoes. Eddie was already waiting on the front porch. "Sorry Ed I just have work and I gotta get you home and pick up Robin and-" "Woah dude slow down It's ok and I can walk home anyways." "No I can still take you home it's fine Robin can wait." Steve locked the door and walk towards his car. Eddie followed him and got in.

They reached Eddie's house. Eddie went to get out before turning to Steve and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Steve. Bye." He got out of the car and Steve just sat there bright red. He then remembered he had to get Robin and drove away. He got to Robin's house and she climbed in. "Took you long enough. Now hurry up we're gonna be late."

(At family video)

They both got out of the car and walked towards the building. Steve unlocked it and went to his spot behind the front desk. Robin next to him. They chatted for a while until finally a costumer came in. Steve helped them find what they were looking for and rang it up. They paid and left. Hours passed and they had only had two costumers. Robin and Steve had been talking about dating problems. "I mean it's not fair." "What's not fair?" "I mean I go on no dates and know exactly what I want. Meanwhile you go on like a million dates and you have no idea what you want." Steve nodded his head agreeing but he knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted Eddie Munson. "Robin I need to talk to you." She looked at Steve surprised. "Alright. What's up?" "No not right now later at my house." Robin shook her head. Steve grabbed his phone from his pocket.

Ed❤️ 3 Messages

Steve clicked on the notification

< Ed❤️

Sorry about the thing
in the car.
Get to work ok?
Wanna hang later?

Steve looked the messages. He thought back to the car. He faced turned slightly red. He typed out a reply.

Sorry man I can't
promised robin
I'd hang with her.
Also about the car thing
it's alright I uh liked it.

Steve shut off his phone and put it back into his pocket. "Who ya texting?" Steve jumped. "God Robin why do you always sneak up on me. Also none of your business." "Whatever."

After work Steve and Robin climbed into his car. "So are you gonna talk about it now or..?" "I'll tell you at my house." The rest of the ride to his house was silent. Steve thought about how he could tell his friend about all this. He decided he would just have to say it.

(At Steve's house)

"Alright spill it." "Ok but it's kinda a long story so just keep questions for the end I guess." Steve told Robin about everything that had happened in the past few days. He told her about the scary movie and how Eddie made him feel safe and about how yesterday he insisted on sleeping in the same bed and how he had kissed his cheek that morning and how that's why he was late. He told her every detail. Robin just sat and took in what her friend was saying not completely shocked but also a little confused. "Wait so what are you trying to say Steve?" "Robin, I like Eddie Munson." "Well I gathered that. But why are you still sitting here then?" "What?" "I want you to go to Eddie's trailer right now. I'll walk home I only live a few houses down." Robin got up and walked out the door. "Good luck Steve tell me what happens." Steve grabbed his keys and phone and headed for the door. He shut and locked it behind him. He got in the car and drove to Eddie's. He got out and knocked on the trailer door. "Steve? I thought you were with Robin." "Change of plans."

a/n Hello guys!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! We are getting close guys!! I think i'll do like 10 chapters maybe I'm not really sure yet!! Ok love you all!! Remember to Eat drink water and sleep!! Byeeeee!!
word count:781

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