Devil in disguise

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(A/n) tw: drug misuse in this chapter, stay safe my lovelys <3
(Steve's pov)
There he was, on the table looking as obnoxious and smug as ever. Eddie Munson. If people didn't think he was a freak already they definitely do now after he just jumped on the table and called out everyone in the whole school in every single clique, even Jason carver.

Some people looked like they wanted to laugh, some of the cheerleaders looked kinda scared but Jason, Jason was fucking pissed. When he balled up his fist I thought Eddie had got himself in another fight by just running his mouth as usual.

I mean what did he expect? He just insulted every single clique in this school, well that is everyone except me. I couldn't really wrap my head around that because Eddie Munson hated me. He told me himself, every chance we get we are arguing and even one or two fights.

Something about Eddie pisses me off everytime I look at him. Maybe it's his smug smirk, or his stupid hair, or how he's so obnoxious that he's pissed most of the school off already.

I wouldn't call him a freak though. I mean, yeah he does weird shit all the time, some might even say he's insane but he just likes to put on a show.

This definitely isn't me sticking up for Munson because he's definitely missing a few screws and doesn't care what situations he puts himself in. Some say he's a drug dealer but it's just really weed but I've heard he keeps the stronger shit for himself. Stuff like oxy, molly and maybe even some cocaine but that's none of my business and to be honest, I couldn't give a fuck what happens to him. He really is just the devil in disguise.

Steve sits up getting off his bed realising he's been thinking about Eddie for atleast an hour. "Well that's weird.." he thinks to himself trying to shake the feeling off but can't so he decides to go for a drive.

Steve watches at the road intensely as his ears wont stop ringing of the sounds of eddies voice you wanna fight me? Go ahead Harrington give it your best shot, do it. Steve replays that day over and over in his head as he drives, unable to get the thought of Eddie Munson out of his head.

You're getting so angry over nothing Harrington, I said hit me. I'm letting you do it stop being a baby! Eddies voice echos through his ears, Steve grips onto his steering wheel as he slows down to get snacks to go to robins house because he can't sleep and he knows Robin won't be sleeping anyway.

He slows down the car and sees a familiar face sitting outside the store just sitting on the ground, looking up at the night sky laughing at the brightly lit stars glistening in the sky.

"Oh fuck, Munson. Why can't I get rid of you?" Steve mutters under his breath getting out of the car, walking towards him.

He leans down so he's eye level to Eddie, Steve sighs looking at him. He's clearly too out of it to even get up "what did you take?"

Eddie tries his best to figure out who the figure was Infront of him. The blur of colours eventually came together and his eyes went wide "oh my god! Harrington!" He laughs "whatcha doin' here?"

Steve sighs and sits down beside Eddie "I was trying to get snacks but now I'm trying to get you home before you put yourself in danger once again, what a surprise.." he mutters the last part to himself.

If he was being honest in this moment he felt bad for Eddie. He was so clearly out of it and clearly nobody cared enough to come looking for him or to help him get home so here Steve was again, the babysitter.

"What did you take Eddie?" Steve repeats himself as he watches Eddie try and focus his eyes on the blur of colours that was Steve Harrington.

"Ummm I don't remember man it was a pill" Eddie mumbles, rubbing the temples of his head trying to remember what it said in the pill bottle.

Eddies lack of memory makes Steve even more nervous and a little frustrated. "Okay um..fuck alright okay..oxy? Molly? Xanax?" Steve racks his brain trying to think of all the drugs Eddie could've took.

"That's it! You absolute genius Harrington!" Eddie says shaking him "oxy! I took oxy-" Steve covers eddies mouth quickly scared someone would hear him shouting.

Steve sighs "alright let's get you in the car and I'll drive you home" Steve sighs helping Eddie up. Eddie Starts protesting "I can walk home! I don't need you!" He shouts losing his balance trying to pull free of Steve's grip on his arm.

Steve sighs "you're gonna make this difficult aren't you?" He says before lifting Eddie and putting him in the backseat locking the car doors. "You're lucky you're in my car and not some crazy persons car" Steve says looking at Eddie in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah yeah you're definitely not a crazy person" Eddie says sarcastically laying down in the backseat of Steve's car.

Steve exhales sadly looking at Eddie through the rearview mirror. The boy in the back seat may be obnoxious a lot of the time but deep under that he's just scared that he'll be left behind, that he'll be forgotten.

Eddie catches Steve looking at him and smirks "whatcha staring at Harrington? Might wanna close that jaw before a fly flies in" he winks and bursts out laughing as the blush spreads across Steve's whole face in a second.

Steve doesn't really care though because he knows the only thing that will be left from this night is the excruciating headache in the morning.

Steve's face drops when he realises Eddie lives in the same trailer park as max. Nobody deserves to live here not even people as annoying as Eddie Munson. " sure you'll be okay to stay here alone tonight im just a bit worried with you taking the drugs and-"

Eddie cuts him off "and what Steve? That I have to live in this shithole trailer park while you feel guilty for living in your big suburban house?" Eddie tries to get up as he rolls his eyes

"N-no Eddie you know that's not what I meant. I just..I don't want something to happen to you. What if you choke on your own vomit from the drugs in your sleep? That shit will kill you." Steve sighs

Eddie laughs "aw Steve I love that your worried about me it's really cute but I've done this countless times and I'm always fine"

"But what if you aren't fine this time?" Steve mumbles looking in the mirror at Eddie as he runs his hand through his hair worried.

Eddie sighs "my uncle won't notice so fine, if it makes you stop whining I will stay at yours..on one condition! You never tell anyone."

Steve nods quickly "I wasn't planning to"

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