Bird trapped in a cage

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This is where it all started, how the freak of Hawkins high ended up hating Steve Harrington or as Eddie liked to call him the self obsessed narcissistic douche he is.

Even though Eddie liked to get on peoples nerves, to see how far he can push them before they just snap and tell him exactly what they think about Eddie Munson, he didn't actually hate many people he just despised liars.

The reason why that is, is simply because how are you supposed to trust anything about this silly little world if you can't trust anyone or anything? It will just drive you mad. As Eddie would repeat to the hellfire club repeatedly nearly every time they had lunch, before he would of course jump on the table flailing his arms in the hair, shouting and just drawing as much attention to himself as he could. He liked putting on a show, if he wasn't popular at least he was known for something. A FREAK.

While Eddie was putting on his little show he stopped right in his tracks when he saw him. Steve Harrington, with a brunette on one arm and a blonde on the other, laughing at jokes that are clearly not funny but that's what Steve's into isn't it? Ditzy little shallow minded girls who spend too much time on their makeup and tell Steve he looks good. "I mean c'mon that's the only reason Steve keeps them around" Eddie thinks to himself as he gets snapped back into reality by Mike waving in his face.

'Hellooooo earth to Munson? Dude what's he even looking at?" Mike asks Dustin still waving in eddies face.

Eddie quickly snaps back around looking at Mike and grabs his wrist. "As I was saying before some people interrupted me was.." he scans the room looked at everyone individually in their own cliques like birds trapped in a cage begging to be let out. They all so clearly wanted to fit in, that is, apart from Eddie. He didn't care what anyone thought about him. Infact, that's what the younger kids in the hellfire club admired about him.

"But..As long as you're into band, science or parties, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets-" Eddie shouts gesturing to all the different cliques spread across the cafeteria but got cut off by the one and only, basketball king of Hawkins high, Jason carver.

"You want something freak?" He asks getting up of his seat balling his fists ready for a fight. There that word is again, FREAK. I mean it's better known for something than not being known at all right?

In return, Eddie just does a devil horn gesture with his fingers poking through his hair and sticks his tongue out for a response. Jason sighs looking at Chrissy knowing it's not worth getting another detention over some freak who just wants the attention to be on him once again so he sits down.

Eddie laughs to himself and goes to sit down when he looks across the cafeteria and then sees it, Steve Harrington staring at the whole thing, staring at him and does he look..amused? Proud? It's hard to tell since he's so far away from eddies vision.

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