Creel house

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Everything was dark, until it wasn't. Eddie opens his eyes and immediately grabs onto Steve holding him tight as if the world was ending.

This has made Eddie realise several things. There is things from eddies past he should eventually open up to Steve about, he just escaped death and Steve fucking Harrington is the love of his life.

"Holy shit you're okay" steve smiles holding Eddie close, scared to ever let go of him again. He thought he would never see his boyfriend again and he was scared shitless. He realised in that moment how much he truly cared about Eddie Munson.

"Guys I know you're having a moment and everything but Venca isn't dead and I think you know what that means" Robin says with worry in her voice

"That we have to go into the upside down and kill Venca ourselves" Nancy replies looking around at everyone.

Eddie looked at her like she was insane "you must be joking? You have to be insane if you think I'm ever going back down there again" he says still trying to catch his breath.

"We have to Eddie, if we don't it could come back for you or any of us and that's including Steve" Nancy says shrugging.

Robin sits down putting her head in her hands. How many times is the creatures of the upside down going to haunt them? Will we ever move on?

Eddie nods slowly realising he has to do it. He's scared shitless but he'd rather face that thing again than let Steve die.
A week prior to this, a girl in the same year as Dustin got taken by Venca, she wasn't as lucky as Eddie and had died. Her name was Hannah Thompson and she got taken when she was in the locker rooms after gym class because she had forgot something in there, little did she know that's where she would die with nobody around to help her.

Hannahs death created an opening to the upside down which was lucky for Steve and the rest of them since the locker room was only down the hall.

They make their way down the hall seeing a huge hole in the girls locker room wall, glowing red and looked sticky or something like that. It was really off putting for Eddie who had seen nothing like that before. This all seemed somewhat normal to the rest of them.

Eddie looks around at everyone "so who's going to go first-" before he could finish that sentence Nancy had already jumped in.

Robin rolls her eyes "god damn it nance!" She mumbled and jumps in. She didn't waste a second, not a second.

"You're not scared are you Munson?" Steve laughs teasing him.

"Not a chance sweetheart" he winks "kids stay here just incase something goes wrong, bedtime at nine!" He laughs grabbing Steve's arm pulling him in with him. The kids just kinda stared at them.

They started objecting but it was too late because Steve, Eddie, Robin and Nancy were already in the upside down.

They all fell on the floor of the girls locker room, it would be the girls locker room if it didn't have vines spread over the walls and dust particles flying over their heads. As soon as Eddie got to the upside down he got an eerie feeling he couldn't shake off.

"Don't just stand there, come on" Nancy says bluntly as she cocked the gun, hesitantly going into the hall avoiding the vines spread around the walls.

Robin just stared at her in awe before she saw everyone staring at her "right, super scary monster thing" she laughs awkwardly

"Do we actually have any idea where we are going?" Steve asks raising an eyebrow as him and Eddie follow behind robin and Nancy.

Nancy nods "yeah to victor creels house, we have reason to believe Venca is under the house" she says keeping her gun infront of her as she walks slowly.

They were close to the creel house when bats appeared from the red lightening in the sky and flew towards the four of them.

"Woah woah woah what the fuck is that-" one flew at Eddie making Steve grab it, throwing it to the ground and ripping its head off. The group continued to kill a couple more of the bats that were definitely not your normal kind of bats before they realised they wouldn't stop coming so they started running to victor creels house.

They went off the normal track so the creatures of the upside down couldn't get to them. "Are you ready then?" Steve laughs looking at Eddie

Eddie shrugs "pretty fuckin' far from ready" he laughs slightly then grabs Steve's hand "just in case.." he whispers

(A/N here is another update so you guys don't kill me for my cliffhangers, stay safe my lovelies! <3)

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