Things were going alright

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The boys jolt their heads around at the door terrified that they just got themselves caught and they would be outed to the whole school.

But both of them breath in a sigh of relief when it was none other than, Robin Buckley Steve's best friend. Steve quickly jumped up to see Robin and laughed awkwardly "w-what are you doing here Robin?" He asks scratching the back of his neck.

Robin shrugs "relax I know you two are dating but I didn't know you guys were up here I came up here to get away from Ellie Davis, she keeps asking invasive questions like why I don't have a boyfriend and Vicky heard her!" She sighs sitting down "oh hi Eddie" she smiles as if he wasn't there to begin with.

Eddie does a little wave then he throws his hands in the air "wait! Vicky is the one with ginger hair? In band? I knew you liked her! You kept staring at her and she kept laughing at the stupidest things you would say. Yeah she's definitely gay" Eddie nodded to himself.

She quickly shakes her head "I don't think so, Vicky definitely doesn't like.." she trails off and looks at Steve

He laughs and finishes her sentence "boobies?" Robin nods laughing at Steve and lays back on the ground of the roof.

"So I was thinking since you guys are together and everything what if we had a sleepover thing? As long as you don't third wheel me I don't want to feel lonely" Robin says laughing

The both boys nod and Steve smiles "That sounds good" he says looking over the side of the building.
Steve and Eddie eventually showed up at Robins house late because Eddie insisted they would be too early then realised they didn't pack anything for the sleepover so Steve had to borrow some more of eddies shirts but he didn't mind.

"Hey my little lesbian!" Eddie says, high-fiving Robin before he walks in. "Also is it alright if I smoke in here? Only a little bit of weed?" He smiles trying to convince her

Robin shrugs "sure my parents won't be back for two days so do what you want..that is in moderation of course" she says looking at Steve then back at Eddie insinuating something.

Steve's eyes widen "Robin you did not just say that!" He says as his face starts heating up "stop being gross" he laughs sitting on her couch

Eddie sits beside him as he Rolls a joint "you think hooking up with me is gross? Wow I'm offended" he laughs then kisses Steve's cheek.

"You guys make me feel so single" Robin says complaining as she starts microwaving the popcorn "what movie do you want to watch?" She asks peering in from the kitchen doorway.

Eddie immediately says "horror movie!" And both of them agree, that is except Steve because as robin likes to say, Steve harrington is a chicken shit.
1:45 am

After Steve watched ten minutes of a horror movie he demanded for Robin to turn it off so eventually she gave in and they started playing truth or dare.

"Robin have you ever been high?" Eddie says with a grin on his face. Robin and Steve just glance at eachother then robin looks back at Steve.

"Well me and Steve got high together one time but it wasn't intentional, some Russians injected us with something that I still don't know the name of" she shrugs answering it without hesitation.

"Russians? Are you fucking with me Buckley?" He laughs raising an eyebrow but robin just shook her head so they moved on with the game.

When they were all sitting in a circle playing truth or dare Eddie kept his hand around Steve's waist the whole time.

They answer a few more questions before robin just throws it out there "Eddie, what happened to your parents?"

Steve glares at robin then looks at Eddie "you don't have to answer that if you don't want to" why would Robin ask that out of nowhere? Just when things were going alright.

Eddie shakes his head "No it's okay I don't mind it's been a long time" he pauses for a minute before looking at the two of them "when I was ten my mom got diagnosed with cancer and died when I was twelve, then when she died my dad realised he didn't care about me, he only cared about my mom so my uncle took me in but he's pretty chill" he laughs awkwardly and tries to change the subject "so uh who's turn is it now?"

Steve knew the last thing Eddie would've wanted was for them to keep talking about it so they move on and talk for a couple more hours before Steve and Eddie go into the guest bedroom to sleep.

When Steve was laying beside Eddie facing him he felt the urge to ask so he did "are you sure you're okay? I'm sorry Robin brought that up out of nowhere, you can talk about it if you want to though"

Eddie just gives him a little sad smile "it doesn't really matter, well it does matter I loved my mom but we can't change the past so why bother living in it?"

Steve nods kissing the top of his head and slowly falls asleep pressed against eddies chest as he fell asleep next to his boyfriend who smelt like cigarettes but he didn't mind it. He liked the smell of his boyfriend.

(A/n hey my lovelies! Second post in a day already? If there's any suggestions for this fanfic let me know but seriously I know I say this every time but I love seeing all your comments, stay safe my lovelies <3)

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