Chapter One - Unfamiliar House, Unfamiliar Town

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Y/n POV:

We just made it to our new house. It was kind of big. Bigger than my old house. I looked around as I went to the back of our car and took out the boxes and went inside the house. "Y/n? Can you please come out here?" My mom yelled from outside. "Coming, mom!" I sat down the boxes and ran outside to my mom. I saw Gregory getting out of the car and stood next to my mom.

"Could you please show Gregory his room? You know where it is!" My mom said. I started to think, remembering she showed me Gregory's and my room on some pictures. "Oh, sure..! Come here Gregory.." I stuck out my hand for him to take it. He took my hand and held it with no hesitation. As we got inside I looked at him and he was admiring the new unfamiliar house.

"Wow.. it's so much bigger than our old house..!" Gregory said trying to stay positive and happy. "Yeah, I know.." I looked down a bit sad. "Sissy..? I miss our old home.. and dad.." I sighed. "I know Gregory, but we have to get used to it.." I hugged him and he hugged me back tightly.

We parted away from the hug and I looked down at him. "So.. wanna see your new amazing room?" I smiled at him. "Yes..!!" He smiles back. I took his hand again and went up the stairs. We were met with a big room with a hall in the end of it. Me and Gregory were talking about making a little living room up there or just a comfortable zone thing.

We went down the hall and I opened the door to the first room. "This is your room!" The room was medium size with a bed in the corner. There was a wardrobe on the other side of the room. Gregory lightened up. He was extremely happy. I think..

I let go of Gregory's hand and let him get a closer look at his room. I left the room and went over to the other door and opened it. I saw a master bedroom. "Must be mom's.." Gregory appeared behind me. "Yeah, I think so too.." I closed the door and opened the other one and saw a small bathroom. It had a toilet, a sink and a shower. This had me wondering if we had another bathroom downstairs with a bathtub..

I closed the door again and went to the final door. I opened the door and saw a (big, small, medium, whatever you prefer) sized room. That was mine. I saw my bed up against a wall, wardrobe and a lot of boxes. I couldn't wait to unpack.

"Kids!! Come down here please!!" Mom shouted from downstairs. "Coming!!" I shouted back. Me and Gregory ran downstairs fast, scared if she might get angry if we took too long. When we got downstairs we were met with a family of 5. Dad, mom, two brothers and one sister. Gregory immediately took my hand, not knowing who they are. We both walked up to them so we stood next to mom.

"Kids, this is the Afton family. I work with Mr. Afton" I did a quick wave and a small smile. Which didn't make my mom happy. She just sighed. "Sorry for their behaviour, trust me they are normally more formal." My mom scolded us. "Oh, no need! They look like very behaved children!" A beautiful woman stated.

"Oh, where are my manners, I forgot to introduce them! This, is Y/n." My mom pushed me a little forward. She's either showing me to them like I was a toy or she's hinting that I need to shake their hands. Shake.. their hands...? I cant..

Mr.Afton pulled out his hand wanting me to shake it. Leaving me with no other option i shake his hand. "Ah, pleasure to meet you Y/n! My name is William. I'm guessing you are around the age 14 am I right?" He let go of my hand and I forgot how talking works. I didn't know how to correct him without sounding rude..

"She's 15, actually" my mom smiled answering William. "Ah, I see.." William Replied. "I can't forget about her little brother, this is Gregory! He is 9 years old" my mom said also pushing him forward a bit. "Oh, hello little one!" The beautiful women bend down to his height. Instead of replying he just hid behind me. He was uncomfortable and our mom didn't care.

Another life //Micheal Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now