C H A P T E R E I G H T (Embarrassing)

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I don't know what happened but I literally could not find my class. What the fuck? 'Class 9A.. where the fuck is this class hiding?' I started running a little awkward, trying to find my class, even tho I had no idea where I was heading. I better not be hearing that bell anytime soon..

A couple minutes went by and I gave up. I wanted to ask someone for help but that would totally not be embarrassing as fuck. 'Ugh, either be late to class or ask someone for help..' I really didn't wanna be late on my first day at a new school. Now THAT would be embarrassing.

I saw a girl with long blonde hair, a blue skirt and a white blouse. She looked really cute, so I went up to her. "Hey! Sorry to interrupt, but I'm new to this school and I have absolutely no idea where my class is.. would you be able to maybe help me?" She looked up from her game boy, smiled and said "oh sure honey! What is your class?"

She seems nice! "Uh.. what was it? Oh right, 9A!" I smiled at her. "Sweet! We're in the same class! Just follow me. Oh, and I love your style by the way" she looked amazed by my style. "Thank you so much! I really like yours too!" I smile brightly. "No worries. Anyways should we head to class?" She asked. "Sure."

On our way to class we talked. I found out her name is Leonora and she likes blueberries, scared of bees and terrified of some place called 'Fazbears Pizza.'
Wait.I think I remember that place..

I finally saw the sign on the front door. 9A it said. "Thank you so much again!" I thanked Leonora. "No problem! But make sure you remember the way here, It's a pretty big school, and we probably don't have all of our classes together." She giggled and so did I.


Class is boring. Especially maths, nothing happens. Just lots of blah blah blah. What do we even need maths for? Anyways, I basically almost fell asleep during the class. But wait, why didn't I get called up front to introduce myself? That was- well, kind of weird in my opinion. Ring ring

"FUCK YESSS!!" I screamed as the bell rang. "Wassup Mike, you trynna get smth at the back of the school?" Mark (A.K.A Chica mask) whispered. I knew he meant cigarettes, what else would that mean? "Sure dude, but only because it's the first day of school and I need it" I responded. "I brought candy dudes" Chris (A.K.A Bonnie mask) said. Candy is our code word for cigarettes, since we obviously don't want any teachers finding out.

We all ran out of the classroom and behind the school to get a joint. We all laughed as we did so, maybe running into a few people at the same time. "Aye Mike, you got a lighter?" Jeremy (A.K.A Freddy mask) asked me. "You know it freddy dude" I said as I reached into my pocket for the lighter I threw at him. Jeremy catches the lighter pretty smoothly, and lighted up his cigarette.

All four of us took turns lightning the cigarettes. "Ay, any ladies caught yo eye, ye?" Chris asked, looking at me, then everyone else shot their heads at me. "Me? Ew no. No ladies will never be able to handle this!" I posed with the cigarette in my mouth and the boys started laughing. "What about you, Chris?" I asked him, looking him dead in the eye.

"Well, maybe just one girl.." we all looked at Chris in curiosity. "Well? Tell us about this chick!" Mark begged. "So.. she has long blonde hair.. really pretty eyes.. and huge tits!" Chris bragged. We started laughing. Again. This will never get old.

Timeskip to next class

Y/n POV:

Finally! I found the class all by myself! Well.. this one was maybe a little easy.. because it was totally not the most easy place to find in this school. And my next lesson isss... biology. Sigh. Not this.. boys laughing whenever a goddamn vagina appears in the book. Mostly because they'll never get to see one in real life. I entered the class and- fuck. The first one I notice is Micheal. Then one of his purple furry friends. Ah shit. This ain't gonna be so fun.

"Students! Attention, please. We have a new student joining us this year! Her name is.. uh.." the teacher signals for me to come over, which I do. "What's your name, dear?" She whispered "Y/n L/n" I whispered back. "Welcome Y/n L/n!! Tell us about yourself, please!" The teacher almost demanded, but in an almost nice tone.

"Uhh im 14, I just moved here from (...) in my free time I like listening to music, playing games and more. I also have a little brother at the age of 9 who is also going to this school." I presented myself very neatly if I should say it myself.

"Amazing, if you'd just like to have a seat beside Astrid." Astrid raised her hand and I smiled at her, and sat down beside her. She smiled at me then looked up at the teacher.

"So, today we're learning about the women's vagina and the men's penis." The teacher said seriously. Loud laughing could be heard all across the room, especially in the back where Micheal and his bunny sat. 'Oh hell naw, I ain't doing this shit today'

Timeskip to another break

The bell rang, and Astrid turned to me "wanna hang out? You can come with me and my friends if you'd like" she asked nicely, and of course I said yes!

I'm so sorry for the late ass updates, I've not been so good and I've had a shit ton of homework😨 but here y'all go

Can y'all pls tell me if y'all want smut in this book? "OMG NO THEYRE ONLY CHIKDREN OMG🥺🥺🥺" so am I 💀 plus, it's a normal thing like. Ofc it wont be when y/n is around 14, more like 15.

💚: yes pls
🖤: NOOOOOO🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Thank you😘

Another life //Micheal Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now