C H A P T E R T W O (say that again)

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Anyways, time went by as my mom asked Mrs. and Mr Afton to stay over for tea/coffee and as we are the kids we are basically forced to stay together. But I didn't mind. Socialising wouldn't be that bad, right?

"So tell me, M/N what made you move here to Hurricane Utah?" William asked my mom as she sips her tea. "Oh, well I actually moved here since I found a new man!" She smiled brightly. "You what?" I was confused. New man? Say that again.

"Oh Y/n honey, no need to be so confused I'll tell you both the details later" my mom calmed me. Gregory also looked confused and kind of sad. Well, understandable.

"Why don't you all five go upstairs and play a game? I'm sure Gregory has some cool ones." Clara tried to convince us so they could have their 'aDuLt TaLk'. Micheal sighed as Elizabeth's face lit up. "Come one Gregory! Lets go to your room!" Elizabeth takes Gregory's hand and runs upstairs. I can feel someone tucking on my baggy jeans (yes I know we just complained about Micheal having baggy jeans on)

I look down to find Evan looking scared. "Hey little man, what's up?" I say as I kneel down to his height. "I-I'm scared.." hm.. he surely did sound scared. "Scared? Of what?" I ask him as I try to calm him down. "Of.. M-Micheal.." he's scared of Micheal? His own brother? Sure, Clara did tell him not to bully Evan which means he probably has..


Oh god.. Y/n was so adorable when they are talking to little kids.. they just.. change. They are also extremely hot i must admit. I can hear Evan and Y/n talking. "I-I'm scared.." I can hear Evan say. "Scared? Of what?" "Of.. M-Micheal.." oh, he did not. Really? Infront of y/n?

"Micheal? Care to explain?" They ask as they pick up Evan. "I used to bully him but I don't anymore." I sighed. God this is embarrassing.. "so don't worry. He's just sensitive"

"He may be! So what? Evan is so adorable, i just wanna squeeze him! How could anyone bully him?" Y/n blurted out. Huh? Say that again. "Anyways, I'm gonna go upstairs with Evan. You coming?" Y/n asked me.

"Sure.. I'll be there in a few" "alright, see you man" they went upstairs still carrying Evan. It kind of hurt to hear him say that.. like yeah I knew I bullied him but..

I was basically forced..

Y/n POV:

Time went by as Elizabeth suddenly wanted to have a tea party. I grabbed my old tea-set from when I was younger and we started playing. "Oh, miss Elizabeth, May I have some more tea, please?" I asked Elizabeth in a formal tone.

"Why, of course miss Y/n" Elizabeth said as she poured the pretend tea up in my pink plastic teacup. I 'drank' the pretend tea and looked over at Gregory. He seemed to be lost in thought. I wanted to ask him a question but got caught off by Micheal storming into Gregory's room.

"Ay, Liz and Ev. Motha and Fatha wants to tell ya something" Micheal said as he looked down at them. The first second, Elizabeth and Evan were there and the next second they were gone downstairs. "Damn, okay" I faked being sad as they just left and Micheal chuckled.

"Your motha wanna tell y'all something too" he said as he left with a smile and went to go back downstairs. Me and Gregory walked down the stairs to find Elizabeth all excited. "Woah, what's going on? Why is Liz so excited?" I ask. Well, I wanna know duh.

"Oh! It's because we have been invited over to eat at the Aftons today! I told them it would be difficult to cook today because we still need to unpack and since they are such sweethearts they Invited us!" My mom said happily. I smiled and nodded. "Thank you! We appreciate it" I said. "Oh, no need to thank us dear. We are just happy that we will all get to know each other!" Mrs. Afton cheers.

Another life //Micheal Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now