C H A P T E R T H R E E (Not Him..)

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Y/n POV:

W-wha.. no..not him..not..not him.. not.. why? I'm not sure.. but why.. why would he bring him up? Why..



"Miss Y/n?" Elizabeth said which snapped me out of my thoughts. "O-oh! Sorry, I zoned out.. I apologise" I apologised. "No need. It must be hard talking about him, huh?" William continued, almost sounding to interested. I looked over at Gregory to see him looking down at his lap with widen eyes and sweating, looking very angry. My mom on the other hand looked calm. She didn't care and just continued to eat the delicious food the Aftons made.

"U-Uhm.. he was.. kind of.. mean..?" I answered unsure. I seriously didn't know what to do at this point. "Ah, I get it. So you are not seeing him anymore I assume?" William asked again. "No.. I don't think so.." I replied. "Then I will just have to get along with your step dad. He probably isn't that bad right M/N?" William apparently made an 'adult joke' that made my mom laugh.

"Very true. This man is so much better" my mom laughed. "Oh M/N, you have to bring him next time! I would love to meet him" Clara begged. "Of course i will Clara" my mom smiled at her. "Then I will have someone to have a man talk with!" William joked which made Clara and mom laugh again. "You see? This is JackPot, M/N!" Clara said as she pointed at William still laughing.

Micheal gave them disgusted looks but continued to eat. The food were fire like seriously it was so good, better than my moms. "Gregory, why dont you have a sleepover with Evan and Elizabeth?" Clara asked Gregory. He looked hesitant. Maybe because my mom never allowed him to sleep over? So she would probably say no. "Sounds like a wonderful idea, Clara!" Nevermind.

Now I'm alone with mom. Great. "C-can big sis sleep here too?" He asked nicely. "Well of course she can! It's a weekend after all!" Clara said. "Very true! So yes, Y/n can sleep here too!" Mom says. She probably only agreed so that she could ride her man.
Elizabeth gave me a big smile and I smiled back. Micheal looked at me interested.

After we ate we planned on what time we should be home ect. "Well, why dont you and Gregory run home to pack your stuff? We are only about 4 blocks away" my mom asked. "Sure.. we could do that" "oh! Maybe Evan, Elizabeth and Micheal wanna help you both pack?" William asked. "Sure father!" Elizabeth excitedly put her shoes on. "Alright then, Off you kids go!" My mom said as we walked out the door.

Timeskip lol

Y/n POV:

As we came back the adults were having desert. As soon as Elizabeth realised, she practically ran into the dining room dragging Evan and Gregory, leaving me and Micheal together alone."so.. tell me about yourself" Micheal says "huh?"

"You know, the basics. Favourite color, idols, food, likings.. anything you want me to know" Micheal sounded interested. "Oh.. okay so uh.. my favourite color is F/C and I really like F/B/S (fav band/singer) oh! And I love F/D!! (Fav drink)" "no way, you like F/B/S!?" Micheal asked happily.

"Yeah! I have a t-shirt with them!" I replied trying to give the same amount of happiness as Micheal had. It was only hard because my dad showed me the band/singer..

"Y/n! Micheal! Come get desert!" Liz yelled from the dining room. Me and Micheal both looked at eachother with a smirk and the next thing we did was running towards the dining room. We quickly sit down and take a look at the desert.

It was a beautiful (cake of your choice) with some strawberry and vanilla ice cream next to it. "Oh yum! Who made this?" I asked as I took a bite. "Clara and Elizabeth made the cake!" William said. "Wow Clara and Lizzie, this cake is delicious!" I said with a smile. "Thank you dear-" "THANK YOU MISS Y/N!!"

Time skip again lol

My mom left about an hour ago and it was time for the kids to sleep. William and Clara asked me and Micheal to tug them in and so we did. They all slept in Evans room since it was the biggest. I am gonna sleep with Micheal in his room. Me and Micheal sat on the edge of Evans bed until..

"Y/n.. can you please cuddle me as you usually do..?" I heard Gregory say. I look down at him "but Liz and Evan is here, so there's nothing to be scared of?" I didn't know why he wanted to cuddle. We usually cuddled whenever mom and dad were up fighting late or something like that but not really anymore.

"Please Miss Y/n? We can all cuddle you!" Liz said happily. "But what about Micheal?" I asked "he can also cuddle you!" Evan joined. I blushed at the thought of Micheal cuddling me. I blinked but as soon as I opened my eyes I were being tackled by Micheal so now I have Micheal laying on top of me.

"Mm!- Mikey!?-" oops. I said 'Mikey'.. "Mikey?" Micheal asks lifting his head up from my neck. "Uh.. sorry, didn't mean to call you that, man.." I apologise, blushing. "Nah, you can call me that, I don't mind" he said as he nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck and I cuddled him back.

But suddenly..

We heard a snap.

"Awe! You guys are so cute! This is a keeper!" Our heads shot towards Clara holding a camera while Liz standing behind her smirking. She had probably planned this. "Mom!" Micheal yelled while blushing, I couldn't help but blush too. Maybe I were a little bit more flustered than Micheal..


Me and Micheal plopped down on his bed as I let out a huff. "Damn, I'm used to tucking in my little brother but your siblings are for real hard to deal with" i say to Micheal. "I know, right? I always end up agreeing to a stupid deal!" He says "what kind of deals?" I ask him. "Shit like giving them 5 dollars each and then they go straight to bed" he answers.

"Wow, okay. My little brother is fast asleep as long as I'm in the Same room as him" I smile. "Does your mother not tuck him in?" He asks. "...no.. don't say that I've said that tho" I made sure he wouldn't tell anyone. I cant let anyone know not even a tiny bit..

The other few hours went by fast, my mom said her goodbyes, me and Micheal watched a movie, talked and played games. To be honest, it was very nice. I found out he had three other friends, Mark, Chris and Jeremy. He said that I was 'cool enough' to join theyre group with the freddy masks thingies so I agreed.

"Well, we should probably head to bed" Micheal yawned. "I agree.." I said and stood up from the bed. "Wait, what am I doing" I ask myself out loud "what do you mean" Micheal asks. "I just stood up. I don't even know what I have to do. I forgot.." I answered. "Well, we have already brushed teeth and changed clothes so I don't know" Micheal reminded me. Then suddenly I remember

"Oh! I'll come back in a bit!" I walk over to my bag and pulls out an elephant plush that my dad glad given Gregory. I ran quietly in front of Evans door and slowly opened the door. I walked over to Gregory and placed the cute plush next to him. I then went back to Micheal making sure I closed the door behind me.

"You ready to head to bed?" He asked.  I smiled and nodded. We both got in the bed (yes take it or leave it) and closed our eyes. "Goodnight" we said to each other. After what feels like 10 minutes of shifting around i still can't fall asleep.

"Hey, are you up too?" I could hear Micheal whisper. "Yeah.. why?" I asked. "Cant sleep?" Micheal asked still whispering. I shook my head no. He opened his arms and I came closer to him cuddling him. He put his arms around me and pulled me closer.

He was warm. I could hear his heartbeat and his cute breathes. It was relaxing.. I finally felt safe.. for the first time in what? 5-7 years? Okay I may have felt safe here and there but this was different. Different than the other hugs. My heart was beating fast, my face was flushed red and we both knew it. This was an amazing feeling and we never wanted to let go.


Okay sooo.. this took so long I'm so sorry😒😒😔😔😔 but here it is😻😻 give a hand to the one and only AftussysBootyCrumbs!!😉😉😉

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