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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

People was in the club watching Mason and Beth dancing while Amelia was with her older brother and they didn't care and Mason kissed Beth who kissed back knowing that they might ruined Amelia and Phil relationship and Charlotte, Melody and Lola who are friends with Amelia filmed Beth and Mason making out but Amelia is going to be heartbroken when Charlotte shows her the video and they went from there and Mason pulled back from Beth who giggles at him and they enjoyed their time at the club getting drunk as fuck yet Melody walked over to them as Mason looked at her softly.

"What are you guys doing here?" Mason asked them as they looked at him.

"We are here for Amelia since she is with her brother." Melody informed him as Lola and Charlotte folded their arms at him.

"If she was here with us she would definitely dump your ass and she will definitely beat your ass up slutface Beth." Charlotte snapped at them as Beth smirked at her but Melody poured her drink over Beth ruining her dress which Lola and Charlotte laughed at her and Mason looked at Beth who looked at Melody and she slapped her face hard before Melody punched Beth in the mouth harder and Charlotte took Melody from there and Lola chucked her drink in her face before they walked away from them which Lola looked at Charlotte and Melody.

"Sebastian is going to exploded when Amelia tells him what happened." Lola said to them as they sighed sadly wondering why would Mason hurt Amelia.

Next morning

Amelia was at the hotel with her brother and Britta as they heard Amelia crying in the bathroom and Sebastian went to find his sister knocked on the bathroom door.

"Lia is everything alright?" Sebastian asked her as he heard her sniffles and crying still as he went from her and she came out of the bathroom looking like a mess and Sebastian looked at his sister.

"I can't do this anymore Sebastian." Amelia said to him which he looked so confused.

"He cheated on me Sebastian." Amelia said as she felt more tears rolled down her cheek and he place her in his arms cradle her.

"You know what screw him." Sebastian said trying to calm her down and he looked over seeing Britta who was planning things for Sebastian and they heard the hotel door and she went from Sebastian as she open the door seeing Mason there and Sebastian was about to hurt Mason but Amelia stopped her brother from murdering Mason.

"Just go Mason calm down Sebastian." Amelia calmed Sebastian down as Mason walked away from them and Amelia looked at her older brother and she calmed him and hit his head.

"Are you that mad? Going for Mason he's going to tell his manager that his girlfriend brother was going to attack him." Amelia snapped as she wondered if Mason was going to tell his manager.

Author Note
Hey guys how was your weekend? What do you think of this prologue? Are you team Amelia or team Mason?

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