𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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Walking through the paddock wearing dark shade on as 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 was walking next to Sebastian who being overprotective towards her and she stood next to him and she heard a voice behind her and it was Lewis as he looked at Sebastian and Amelia w...

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Walking through the paddock wearing dark shade on as 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 was walking next to Sebastian who being overprotective towards her and she stood next to him and she heard a voice behind her and it was Lewis as he looked at Sebastian and Amelia who didn't want to take her glasses off and Lewis looked at her softly.

"Amelia Seb told me what happened if you want I don't mind if you take W13 and run Mason over with it actually don't because one I don't want to get into trouble and two I also don't want you to get into trouble as well." Lewis said as Amelia sighed softly before she took her glasses off and Lewis looked at her softly before placing her in his arms rocked her gently.

"Oh Lia I will do everything in my power to keep him away from you ok you know where I am if you can't get through to him he probably do something with Aston Martin." Lewis said as Amelia smiled at him which Sebastian miss seeing her smile even though she feeling like she wants to give up on herself.

"Can I go now please Sebastian?" Amelia asked him as he nodded at her before she walked off looking for George yet she bumped into Max as he hugged her which she hugged him back.

"Mad Max how are you?" Amelia asked which Max looked at her softly.

"I'm doing alright how are you though?" Max asked her knowing he probably heard the news what happened between her and Mason.

"Sometimes I want to buried myself in a hole and not face the cameras." Amelia lamented which he looked at her before they heard a paparazzi walked up to them.

"What do you think of Mason and Beth new relationship? Is this your fault that he cheated on you? Are you good enough for Mason?" Paparazzi questioned her which she start to cry and Max looked at him in annoyance.

"How disgusting did you have to be? Why are you here? Are you doing this to get a thrilled out of this?" Max asked him which he walked away from them as Amelia went from Max and she went to hideout which Lando saw Amelia there as she was crying softly to herself and he went up to her as he sat next to her rested her head against his shoulder which he didn't mind and they heard Sebastian and Lewis yet Lando looked at them.

"Paparazzi thinks it's was my fault that Mason cheated on me like I don't know what to do with my life Bastian." Amelia whispered as he sighed softly and he went up to her and got her up gently.

"One that paparazzi doesn't know what he talking about two this isn't your fault it's Mason fault ok and three you got me you got Lewis and you got these two muppet here for you." Sebastian said as she sighed sadly wondering if it was really her fault.

Flashback {Heppenheim}

Amelia was running around the house as she was giggling yet Sebastian was in the living room with Fabian also Melanie was in there so was Stefanie as they heard Amelia giggling but soon they heard Amelia crying and she saw Sebastian as he walked out and he went up to her and he check up on her checking if she hurt herself.

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