Chapter V

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Even though the girls loved the experiences that the book gave them, they made no progress in deciphering the strange script. By 1 AM, the girls had finally gone through the entire thick book, and turning each page was like visiting a different beach around the world. They had passed out, both on Lana's bed, with the book still open between them, and the sound of the waves lulled them to sleep.

The next morning, soft light filtered through the bay window, and as Ophelia opened her eyes all she could think about was the book. She stretched and blinked, and saw it still lying open. She smiled, and softly closed it. Lana groaned and rubbed her eyes. She looked around, confused, and then saw the book. She smiled and began to giggle. Ophelia started to laugh too, and before they knew it, they were laughing so hard that they had tears in their eyes.

"We can't just keep calling it 'the book'," Lana pointed out.

"You're right. Hm..." Ophelia scratched her chin. "What about the Ocean book?"

"Too cliché," Lana said. Ophelia nodded.

"Okay... I've got it! TB." Ophelia said.

"What does that stand for?" Lana asked.

"The Book," Ophelia said.

"I thought that we weren't going to call it that," Lana said, puzzled.

"Well, why not? It's inconspicuous. That's what we want, right?"

"Who said anything about being inconspicuous?"

"Well, I, for one, don't want scientists coming to our house and doing experiments on it."

"Yeah... I agree. TB it is." Lana tilted her head toward the door and closed her eyes.

"Weekend Breakfast!" they shouted simultaneously. Lana and Ophelia flung open the door and they got halfway down the stairs before Ophelia stopped and ran back to their room. It occurred to Lana that they had forgot to put the book away. She continued down the stairs sat down at the table. When Ophelia got there, they enjoyed Uncle Lawrence's delicious Weekend Breakfast.

"Girls, I have some news," said Kelly, and Lana couldn't point out if the look in her eyes was that of worry or excitement.

"Your auntie and I will be out for the day. We're going to visit my friend in Mullingar. Will you girls be alright here while we're gone?" Lawrence said.

"Yes!" Ophelia and Lana said simultaneously.

"I don't know, Lawrence. We'll be gone all day. That's a long time to be alone," Kelly said, hesitantly.

"We'll be fine!" Lana bursted. "It'll be no problem. We're responsible."

"Well... alright then." Kelly said, gaining confidence again.

"Good. Then it's settled. You girls have fun now! We'll be back by six. You better be home," Lawrence said, grinning.

"When are you leaving?" Ophelia asked.

"Well..." Kelly checked her watch. "Lawrence! We're to be there in an hour!"

"Are we? Oh..." Lawrence looked at Ophelia and Lana. "You girls behave. No parties..."

And Kelly drug him out the door.

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