Chapter XV

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Neither of the Murray sisters spoke for the remainder of the evening. Ophelia was still buried in her hole of anger, and Moana feared that she would make her sister even more upset. For the first time in her life, Moana was frightened of her sister.

About an hour later, they heard a knock on their door. Moana swam silently to the door and opened it, just a crack. Outside stood a chubby male Siren with shaggy, dark green hair and a gray body and tail. He held a large silver platter with a cover in his hand. His expression was grim.

"I was told to bring this to Room 148," he said in a hilariously squeaky voice. Moana would have giggled, but laughing hadn't done her any good lately. She opened the door slightly wider, and took the tray. The Siren still stood there, looking like he was expecting payment. Moana instinctively reached for her sides, to check her pockets for cash, but quickly realized that Siren tails don't have built-in pockets. She looked up, an awkward expression on her face.

"Ah," she started.

"New here?" said the Siren, looking both annoyed and uncomfortable. Moana gave a shy smile and nod. "Consider it an I.O.U."

With that, he sped down the hall as fast as he could.

Moana brought the tray over to the wood table and removed the cover, not knowing what to expect. To her surprise, the tray held two plates of turkey sandwiches and potato crisps, and glass bottles of Coca-Cola. Ophelia looked over and gasped in surprise. But then hunger took over, and she sat down at the table. She tentatively took a bite, it was delicious, and still hot. They started to scarf down the food. After a few minutes, Moana felt awkward.

"You can't just keep ignoring me," Moana said, agitated.

"Yes I can," Ophelia said, stubborn as a mule. Moana sighed and took a sip from her glass bottle. She swallowed with exaggeration.

"Ooo-kay, then," she said. Ophelia gave her the stink-eye, and had to bite her tongue from giggling. She could tell her sister was doing the same.


As the night progressed, Moana caught herself multiple times almost talking to Ophelia. It was odd to her, not being able to ask questions or simply think out loud, because Ophelia was always the best listener she knew. Ophelia found the quiet almost unbearable. Ophelia had an odd condition; she was afraid of silence. While most people shied away from loud noises, Ophelia was terrified when there was no noise at all. Moana knew this, and the discomfort showed on Ophelia's face as she settled into the sponge beds, which were incredibly comfortable, like crazy memory foam. As Moana started to drift off to sleep, she heard Ophelia sigh.

"It's okay, Moana," she whispered, and Moana smiled with content. She was finally at ease.


Even underwater, you could tell by the light outside what time of day it was. So as the rippled sunlight streamed through the big window, Moana groaned and squinted.

"Ugh, Ophelia, why didn't you close the curtains, its so-" she started to say, groggily, but then stopped. She had thought they were back in their home in Dublin. Then she remembered where they were, and what the situation was with Ophelia. Were they back on talking terms?

Ophelia laughed softly. "It's alright, I'm not mad anymore," she said. Moana smiled and flipped over to face her sister.

"Are these things comfortable, or what?" Moana said, yawning.

"Totally, I don't think I've ever slept so-" Ophelia started, but was interrupted by yet another knock on the door. Moana, sat up, surprised and confused. She got up and swam to the door, and was faced by a very agitated Aikaterine.

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