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Eva stopped running and felt a sharp pain in her chest; she looked behind her. The town was far away from where Lucas was. She didn't know why tears formed and dripped from her eyes. "Lucas?" The pain in her heart wouldn't leave her. "Oh no! Oh no! Lucas!" She let out a loud cry which echoed around her. Eva knew in her heart that Lucas was gone. Her first friend. Even though it pained her, she knew that Lucas would have wanted her to move on and be safe. He told her to return to the castle, but Eva couldn't. She was worried for Callum and Fendus; she chose to stay. Eva knew that she might get killed if she went to them.

Eva didn't care anymore. She wiped her tears away and ran toward to path where Ewan and his army went. The young woman hoped that it wasn't too late. 


The armies clashed, and the sounds of swords and screams echoed throughout the land. Blood spilled on the green grass, and dead bodies lay on the ground from both armies. The clan leaders fought off many of Ewan's men and his allies. Fendus clashed his sword with the enemy, escaping many strikes and arrows. Callum was the main target of the enemy. Fortunately, many of Callum's men would be there to assist him; many of them sacrificed their lives for their leader.

Callum stilled for a moment as he looked around the battlefield. Many men were fighting to the death. Memories came to him of his mother, who would tell him stories, and sing him songs; his father on his drunken escapades. He remembered when his father would flirt with women and how it hurt his mother. Then, Callum remembered his mother on her deathbed; her weak eyes still looked at him with love. "Callum, my joy. I want ye to be happy. Even though I will be gone, I will still be with ye always. Please promise me that ye will never give up on love. Love is what will keep you strong and will help you go through of worst of times. I love ye, my Callum."

A tear dripped from Callum's right eye. He took a deep breath. "STOP! STOP FIGHTING!" Callum kept on screaming until all men heard him. Callum's allies were confused but also ordered everyone to stop. Ewan's men were confused, but they too stopped. On the other hand, Ewan was breathing heavily as he was covered in blood.

"This war was of my own doing! I will say that I wasn't a good leader to my clan and people! I have failed to break the cycle of my father's cruelty! I have been irresponsible and broken oaths to those who have been my allies!"

No one said a word; Fendus was among the men in silence. He had to admit that he was surprised by Callum's words, but he also felt a sense of respect for Callum.

"Now I face the consequences, and many die because of it. This war has nothing to do with any of ye; it's between Ewan and me. Our men should die for us no longer! Ewan!"

Many of the men moved away, making clear to Ewan; that the two clan leaders were face to face. Ewan laughs. "What is this? Ye suddenly have a change of heart; ye are foolish like yer father. Don't listen to him, my men! Victory is in our reach!" None of his men moved. 

Suddenly, Fendus dropped his sword. "Callum is right. He admits his wrongdoings. This war is between leaders. This is their fight." The other clan leaders also dropped their swords; their men did the same. Ewan's men looked at one another, conflicted and confused. One of the men dropped his sword, surprising everyone. Everyone followed suit.

Ewan couldn't believe what he saw; his men weren't following his orders. "What are ye eejits doing!? Ye dare disobey me!" His men only eyed him and moved out of the way, making him and Callum look at one another."

"It seems they agree. This is our fight, Ewan. Two terrible clan leaders fight to the death. Now draw yer sword."

Ewan bit his lower lip as he drew his sword. "Very well. I will show all ye cowards how it's done." The two men eyed one another, swords in hand. Everyone was silent as they circled the clan leaders. Suddenly, the two enemies ran towards the other; their swords clashed.

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