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Eva sat in her small little prison, something she liked to call. She sat on the floor, and the silence was her only companion. The young woman felt as if she was stuck in the room forever; she felt her stomach growl in hunger. Eva began to feel sleepy. However, there was a soft knock on the door. The young woman did not say a thing, but the door still opened.

It was Lucas. "Eva, it is I. Are ye well?"

Eva smiled at the sight of him. "Yeah, I am alive, if that is what you wanted to know."

Lucas chuckled as he entered, but he was not alone. There was a young woman behind him. She had long, light red-orange hair that touched her buttocks; her hair was braided. Her skin was light with slight freckles on her face; her eyes were dark brown. She stood at 5'3 tall with an average body. The young woman had a child-like look and held a sense of maturity. The young woman wore a long old dark brown dress with a plain apron. 

"Well, at least ye still have the fighting spirit. Eva, I would like to introduce a very good friend of mine; this is Mirda." He then looked at the young woman. "Mirda, this is Eva. I want ye to show Eva the ropes here' ye are the only one I trust with this task. Will ye be able to do this?"

The young woman named Mirda smiled. "Aye, ye can trust me, Lucas."

"Eva, we have brought ye food in secret. Callum has ordered that yer not to be fed."

Eva scoffed. "That bastard. He's stooping so low that he refuses me to eat. He wants me to be weak so that I won't fight against him."

Lucas gave out a chuckle. "Aye, it seems Callum is trying to lower yer spirits. This kind of method is uncommon for him. Furthermore, there is a feast tonight to celebrate our return, and Callum expects ye to be there." He gave out a sigh. "Yer to serve the guests."

"Ha! He can dream on! I am not a slave! I'm not doing free labor!"

Lucas and Mirda looked at one another. Mirda bit her lower lip, trying to refrain from laughing. Lucas cleared his throat. "To his eyes ye are; it's best not to anger him further, for your sake. Now please eat and gather yer strength. Mirda shall explain everything to ye." Lucas gave both women a nod, and he left, leaving the young women alone.

Mirda closed the door; then, there was an awkward silence. She looked at Eva. As for Eva, she felt uncomfortable with the silence. Before Eva could speak, Mirda spoke first. "I have heard the rumors about ye, that ye have such white skin and white hair as the moon. Are ye truly from this land?"

"Of course I am. If I weren't, then I would have been able to leave this place and kick that highlander's ass!"

Mirda raised an eyebrow and let out a giggle. "Ye have quite a tongue to even speak of Lord Callum in such a manner. I say this for yer own good, ye need to watch yer words, or he will take your life." The young servant woman cleared his throat. "He has done so before."

Eva merely shrugged her shoulders. "Well, that is better for me. I have said and done things to him. I am still alive. Death is better than being his slave; I doubt he will kill me."

"What makes ye certain he won't do so?"

"Well, Callum is a prideful man. Killing him is easy, but he won't be satisfied if I die strong. He wants to proclaim his victory over me."

Mirda nodded. "I see; that would make sense." She then put some clothing down before Eva. "These clothes are for ye. Ye need to wear them."

Eva looked at the clothing: an old light gray dress with stains and an apron. "You've got to be joking."

"I'm afraid not."

Eva took a bite of the bread she was given and smiled. "Alright then. If that is what he wants."

Mirda looked surprised at Eva's sudden change of tone. "Ye will?"

"Sure, Callum did say I have to wear them, so I will, but I need a favor from you. I am going to make some adjustments. Could you please help me out?" Mirda was cautious. "Come one, Mirda. For once in your life, make your own choices. I doubt Callum is good to you and others. Don't you want to see how he will react?"

 Mirda was thoughtful for a moment and let out a small smile. "What is it that ye need?" 

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