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"Is anyone there!" I yelled. There was no response. Damn it to hell! I was in the museum for one minute, and now I am in the middle of nowhere. So many things went through my mind. Where in the hell am I? How did I get here? So many questions, so few answers. I stood, and I felt a bit nervous. I did not recognize this place at all.

All I remember is that book...

The book, no, wait, it seemed like a journal. I looked around me, and it was nowhere in sight. Damn.

"Hello! Is anyone there!?" I knew it was pointless, but it didn't hurt to try. There was a part of me that was still hopeful. I was about to give up until I heard a noise. It came closer and closer.

"Are ye lost, lass?" asked a masculine voice.

I froze a bit; I slowly turned around. I saw a man, and I cannot deny that he was damn hot. He had a muscular body, long hair, and wore a kilt. Men in kilts are hot. I gathered my courage. "W-Who are you?"

He smirked almost in a prideful manner. "I am Callum Strongnight."

Callum Strongnight, why does that name sound so familiar.

"What is yer name?"

I looked at him. "E-Eva."

He raised an eyebrow. "Eva? What a strange name, a name that is not heard throughout these lands. Yet, what is strange and unique is yer hair, eyes, and skin."

I blushed. "Y-Yeah, I get that a lot. Anyway, sir, can you tell me where I am?"

Callum looked confused. "Yer in Scotland, of course. Are ye going mad, lass?" he asked sarcastically.

Geez, he has quite an attitude. "Never mind, I just wanted to ask; since you will not be much help, I am outta here." I began to walk away from the man, but he got in front of me by commanding his horse.

That annoying smirk was still on his face. Scratch on what I said earlier. He may be handsome but annoying as hell.

"Why are ye leaving, lass? I am trying to help ye. I have never seen or heard of a lass rejecting help from me, Callum Strongnight, the most bloodthirsty highlander of Scotland.

I stilled. Wait a minute, now I remember, I saw a statue of this man in the museum, but he died ages ago. So, what does that mean? Crap! Confusion and nervousness overwhelmed me. I didn't want to show this guy my fear; it would give him the power he wanted. "Geez, you gave yourself a huge title. Congrats for being the most bloodthirsty highlander. I don't give a rat's ass. Now leave me alone, you ass." I walked around him and his horse.

I hope I will be able to leave in peace.


Callum was stunned. The woman spoke to him in a manner he did not like. No one ever said those kinds of words. She called him an ass, a donkey! He told the woman who he was. He expected her to go to him, but she didn't.

She walked away from him. He slowly turned his head in the direction of Eva. He was pissed but intrigued at the same time. Eva was a unique woman, without a doubt. She was different from the women he met and bedded with. Callum wanted to know more about her and break her of her strength.

He commanded his horse to go towards Eva. The horse galloped faster and got closer to Eva.

Eva turned, and her eyes went wide open, she began to run as fast as she could, but she was not quick enough. Callum got a hold of her, dragged her to him, and placed her in front of him. "Ye will not escape from me, lass. I will enjoy breaking ye."

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